Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How Can I Make My Room Look More Mature


Metropolitan Coordinator Militarization and Violence

invites you to participate:

February 8

Walk in the IPN, Zacatenco campus. 12:00 hrs. Red Square

February 11

Walk in the UAM-Xochimilco -15:00 hrs. Zapata Garden

February 14

Walk in the UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria. 16:00 hrs. Faculty of Arts - Dean

February 17

17:00 hrs-March of the monument to Dean CU Álvaro Obregón
evening against violence.

February 18

13:00 hrs-Forum on the militarization and violence in the Auditorium Narciso Bassols, Faculty of Economics
end this day of activities with a political-cultural event in the CU Islands
In the presence of: cress

South Workshop
Roberto González

"Let's face it, we demand the impossible"



Bluetooth Pin Notebook Mouse 5000

The National Movement by the Food and Energy Sovereignty, Workers Rights and Democratic Freedoms CALLS FOR NATIONAL WALK THIS JANUARY 31 OF 2011, TO CHANGE THE WAY ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES OF THE COUNTRY

Posted by: Mexican Electricians Union

The policies implemented by the administration of Felipe Calderón keep the country on the brink of collapse. Neoliberal strategies driven from outside and from within the dominant political class are responsible for the economic, political and social. For our Movement, Therefore, it is urgent to continue the struggle initiated 4 years ago to change the direction of the economy and democratize our nation under the following considerations:

1. The effects of systemic crisis was the result of the confluence of the food crisis, environmental crisis, the energy crisis and financial crisis, far from having been overcome, despite moderate economic growth last year, the power and influence multinational capital, large agribusiness companies and corporate partners has strengthened the regime, in contrast, the deteriorating remains the Mexican countryside, while the levels of welfare of the majority of Mexicans continued to decline and poverty rates have worsened. Food poverty is already affecting 18.2% of the population, about 7 million young people not in education or work, approximately 60% of working age people survive in the informal economy while 28.4 million Mexicans lack of social security .

2. The crisis worsened the structural problems that had been dragging a productive affected by adjustment policies that keep the market depressed internal, aggravating food crisis. Such is the case of unemployment, according to official figures, the unemployment rate in 2010 represents slightly less than 5% of the economically active population (2.3 million), a figure which may rise to 17% if we apply the methodology ILO to measure this indicator. It is estimated that just solving the unmet demand for employment in the last 10 years would be to create at least 4 million new jobs.

3. The shortage that has arisen repeatedly in recent years has drastically eroded the purchasing power of wages, it has influenced factors such as national and international food crisis or gradual increases since 2009, apply to gasoline and diesel, which exert a multiplier effect on prices of various goods and services. One of the most affected by recent price hikes is that of workers earning between one and three minimum wages and they spend 63% of their meager income on food and transportation costs. Between 2000 and 2009, basic food items like sugar and beans are more expensive 169 and 142%, respectively, while wages rose just 51.4%. The high cost of earlier this year, smashed the tiny increase in minimum wages, will worsen the possible gains to the corn and other staples experience due to the global food shortage.

4. Public finances, meanwhile, face a marked weakening due to the shrinking domestic market and an inequitable tax system, which implies the latent risk of collapse if, as many analysts predict, an increase in interest rates servicing the public debt over the past four years grew by 90.7% as at November 2010 the amount reached 4 billion 450 billion pesos.

5. In the area of \u200b\u200buncertainty, multiply the daily execution reports related to the work of organized crime and the systematic violation of human rights by the Navy, Police and Army. Whole regions of the country live in uncertainty or controlled by criminal groups. There is a marked deterioration in the state's ability to meet their most basic responsibilities and enforce the rule of law thereby reinforces the breakdown of the economy and inhibit the investments the country needs.

6. The resurgence of the spiral of violence evident failure of the war against drug trafficking which leads the federal government. Worse still, under it and the partisan use and corruption of the justice system have high cases of human rights violations of the population, and the criminalization of social protest expressed in the persecution, murder and imprisonment various leaders and social activists. In organizations such as Chihuahua, to cite just one case, outraged the murders of Susan Chavez, Marisela Escobedo and Josefina Reyes, were prominent activists in the struggle for rights civilians in an entity in which aberrant phenomena as femicide or executions of innocent citizens have become everyday occurrences. Our movement condemns these acts, demands punishment for the perpetrators and masterminds of these crimes and added its voice to those individuals and citizens leading the campaign in Mexico is enough blood!

7. The government has taken a clear defense of business interests, particularly that of television. Proof of this are: the fraudulent bankruptcy of Mexicana de Aviacion, the controversial tender 21 of the radio spectrum, arbitrary and unconstitutional dissolution of Luz y Fuerza del Centro and Mining conflict which has lasted 5 years of resistance against repression and political persecution by the federal government. We demand comprehensive solution to these conflicts, particularly the mining case. The attempt to promote business opportunities for individuals at the expense of the rights of workers and the nation, has prevented that are being resolved peacefully and with full respect for social rights acquired, which has given rise to new problems about unresolved conflicts, such as having to do with an explosion of electricity in the previous work area LyFC or the loss of sovereignty in Mexican airspace.

8. In this demanding context will develop local electoral contests set the stage for the presidential succession of 2012, an area in which the conduct of the Chief Executive, who has handled over as party chief in charge of the current government will adds an extra source of tension already troubled national political environment.

The confluence of widespread violence, political polarization election and social tensions associated with the persistence of an economic strategy that spreads poverty and deepens inequality, are becoming the breeding ground of a political crisis, economic, social and even more severe than in 2006. This is precisely the trend that our movement is reversed and it is urgent that the reason that from next January 31, 2011, we will promote the new account a mobilization program whose central axis is the change in the financial, political and social our nation from the solution of existing social conflicts, the rescue of the Mexican countryside, the revival of the domestic market, the full observance of human rights, politics and work of Mexican society, the army back to barracks, to stop the current bloodshed and the dismantling of corporatism and cronyism.

For our movement, the challenge is to make way for a process of sustained substantive change in social participation and in 5 major reforms are: 1.-The Political System Reform. Which includes among other aspects: the construction of a new democratic institutions, providing for the referendum, plebiscite, initiative and revocation popular mandate, and the right to autonomy and self-government and local communities so that, with these and other instruments to ensure social participation in the design and implementation of major policies and the democratization of the world of work, for this first step is to defeat Labor union reform project that promotes the federal government, the other essential ingredient of the process is the dismantling of corporate control of the State, by strengthening the independence and autonomy of unions and collective bargaining authentic. 2.-The Economic Reform. Whose starting point is the promotion of economic growth with income redistribution, This calls for a progressive and redistributive tax reform and a strategy of inclusive growth and recovery of the domestic market. 3 .- The Social Policy Reform. That means replacing the current welfare policies and development policies and social participation, strengthening and universalizing the health system and social security and promote public education, secular, and cultural development, science and technology as established in third article of our constitution. 4 .- The Agricultural Reformation. To reverse the chronic neglect of the Mexican countryside through the articulation of programs to promote agricultural development and fisheries to enable achieve food sovereignty, to facilitate small and medium producers acquiring competitive capacity and, ultimately, contribute to increase employment, income and welfare of the peasant family. and 5 .- The Foreign Policy Reform. To strengthen our nation's self-determination and establish mechanisms for the justiciability of all fundamental human rights beginning with the rights of migrants, and in this vein we support their struggle for decent treatment in both Mexico and the United States.

the foregoing summon the professional associations, groups academics, intellectuals, civil associations, unions, groups of the field, students, civic networks and in general, the entire civil society to participate in the construction of a project's own country that starts with the baggage of proposals that have been generated in the heat of the social struggle of recent years; call the legislature to resume the dialogue process with our Movement, to restart the analysis of our projects. Demand his intervention in resolving conflicts in the mining unions and the Mexican Electricians and to stop the serious threats made by the President against the electrical workers and users fight against irritants hikes in electricity fees.

This Jan. 31, when he begins an international campaign for freedom of association and the autonomy of the Mexican labor movement, endorsed the political agreement that gives life to our movement to expand our framework alliances to create a political force capable of promoting social change that our nation needs. The first actions of this phase of struggle will be the national mobilization will take place on 31 January and depart, the edge of 17:00 hours, the Angel of Independence, to end at the City Zocalo Mexico and the marches will be held simultaneously in major cities of our country. Additionally, during this day of struggle our movement will peak the following demands:

* End to incremental increases in fuel. Freezing rates and public sector services (electricity, gas, diesel and gasoline). In this regard urges curb the abusive and disproportionate increase in charges for electric service concept, so that our movement supports class action to reverse this situation, and Council Domestic High Consumption Rate (DAC).

* Increased emergency wage and price controls on items that make up the basket. Ongoing program to recover the purchasing power of wages.

* insist on renegotiating NAFTA and the bailout of the Mexican countryside and the implementation of ongoing programs for the production of grains and staple foods.

* For the immediate settlement of the strike at Cananea, Taxco and Cap and conflicts involving miners and electricians SME.

* Free the political prisoners MOCRI the EMS, Mining and other social organizations.

We demand punishment for those responsible for the murders of Susan Chavez, Marisela Escobedo and Josefina Reyes.

* Stop the bloodshed caused by the erratic policy of combating organized crime. No more impunity for the murders of women and the violation of human rights of the population.

Reform * Labor union reject the federal government and its project of Alliance for Quality Education. No use of staff and educational resources to promote campaigns, punishment and impeach those responsible for these acts.

* Support and contractual wage revisions Mexican unions, particularly the university sector.

We demand the clarification of the casualty in the ABC Nursery Hermosillo, Son. and punishing those responsible.

On the economic turnaround, political and social life:

Movement for Food and Energy Sovereignty, Rights and Workers Democratic freedoms

National Peasant Confederation (CNC), National Council of Farm Organizations and Fisheries (CONORP) Mexican Union Front (FSM), Central Campesina Independiente (CCI), Democratic Peasants Union (UCD), Citizens Coalition, Democratic Alliance Civil Society Organizations, National Dialogue, National Union of Workers (UNT), National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE), National Federation of College, National Coordinator of Union College and Higher Education (CNSUES) Mexican Electricians Union (SME ), National Union of Mining, Metallurgy, Steel and Allied Workers of Mexico, the National Movement from Below.

Letter For Reconsideration For School Rejection


17 and 19 January 7:30 to 9:30 pm Live streaming internet radio with the issues of agency and analysis of the top 15 recommendations of the OECD " http:magseccdemonueve.

January 20 8 pm Section Executive Committee Meeting Room "July 1"

January 22 1911 pm Forum Educational Experience Exchange Room "July 1"

January 20 to 28 Brigadeo intense to promote the action plan
January 27 8 pm School of Representatives plenary Aud. "May 15"

January 28 8 pm PREMIERE "The Doctor Force" CIE Moliere by the founding of the National Theatre Company Independent General Admission: $ 70.00 MASTERS OF CNTE: $ 50.00 Audience "15 May"

31 Participate in January representatively in mobilizing civil society organizations convened by 4pm the Angel of Independence to the socket.

February 5, 1910 am "A kind of participatory democracy for the teachers of the SNTE-CNTE Section 9" with parents and students Zocalo Mexico City

1 pm Feb. 8 vs. Demand Delivery Lujambio for contempt resolutions the courts and protect the spurious committee Courthouse Federal (m San Lazaro)

February 10 7:30 pm Presentation of the books "movements and social conflict in Mexico I and II" by their authors Enrique Avila, Efrain Gracida et al. Sala "July 1"

February 17 STOP and mobilization for the defense of public education, labor rights and Sectional Congress. Basic Education Schools

7:30 pm Conference February 24 by Paco Ignacio Taibo II Aud. "May 15." Section IX.

Swollen Feet, Blood Poisoning

CNTE Newsletter COMECOM press. January 24, 2011

PRESS RELEASE, 24-Jan-2011

No more blood! To organize!

A media
A social organizations
international solidarity
A Mexican society

The so-called war on drugs "that has driven the government of Felipe Calderón maintains our country mired in the fire of the weapons, the regime's violence and bloodshed for more than 30 people dead including children and youth,

This war directly affects the freedoms and guarantees of Mexican youth. Lack of access to education and employment is becoming increasingly serious unemployment and underemployment show the drug cartels to a lot of people a year, of which some are minors. These organizations are presented as a possible "real" economic support, which compared to the miserable conditions of formal employment is intended to be a way out.

But state violence is broader. The crackdown on social unrest by the state, and their methods of keeping people in fear are obvious. The disappearance of collective bargaining agreements, the termination of trade unions and worker and peasant groups, the increase in working hours without compensation, Any contracts, wages without corresponding decrease to the increased cost of living, all of these conditions result in the systematic dismantling of social security and thus the cruel decision to join the ranks of organized crime, especially drug trafficking, with the full awareness of being able to lose not only freedom but life.
Young people are easy prey to any potential drug to study or work, and therefore the government are a worrying number of potential criminals who must be tackled early.

Given this context, different groups, groups and individuals in the UNAM, UAM, UACM, IPN, social organizations and independent figures, we took on the task of converging in a unifying effort of discontent and protest against the use of state violence that the federal government has implemented to as mentioned combat organized crime, saying that we strongly believe that the solution to security problems of Mexican society are not in the plans and strategies set by these bodies, but above all a situation meets the conditions of current world order, which ma
nYou into the abyss of poverty and despair to millions of people worldwide.
Metropolitan Coordinator Militarization and Violence, emerges as a youth-driven effort, students, workers and the general inhabitant of the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bMexico City, to promote (free of the influence of any political party or organization for profit) the establishment of an umbrella organization to withstand the current situation and in solidarity with the victims of this "war" and take action under the following political demands:
'Against militarization in Ciudad Juárez and the country
'Against juvenicidios and femicide
Juarez' In defense of university autonomy
'No to the criminalization of social protest
' If you touch a touch us @ tod @ s
"Juarez is not barracks, he was army
'punishment to those guilty of the murder of activist Marisela Escobedo Ortiz and her daughter Ruby Marisol Escobedo Frayre well as for the murderers of Susana Chavez
' Justice José Darío Álvarez Orrantia, UACJ student assaulted by the Federal Police
'Stop State violence against youth and students

We agreed to make the 1st Evening Against Militarization and Violence on February 17, 2011, anticipating the Army Day celebrations on February 19, " will consist of a march which will start at 17:00 hrs the Monument to Álvaro Obregón esplanade towards the rectory in University City, to end the registration of a slogan by placing a candle for each of the deaths from State violence in this fictional war against "organized crime."

This centerpiece will be Replication supported the same actions on February 17 in places like Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana, the city of Oaxaca and Baja California, the details of these activities will be announced as that date approaches.

addition, the following walks will be held in metropolitan Mexico City:

'February 8: Walk in the IPN, Zacatenco campus. 12:00 hrs.
Red Square 'February 11: Hike in the UAM-Xochimilco -15:00 hrs. Zapata Garden
'February 14: Hike in the UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria. Quote
'February 18: 13:00 hrs-Militarization Forum and violence and political-cultural event in the auditorium in University City Caso
sites for the collection of candles for this campaign are:

'UAM-Xochimilco central table in front of dining room and first floor of Building A, next to the SITUAM
'UAM-Iztapalapa central front of the dining room table
' CNTE Section 9. Near the corner of Belisario Dominguez Bolivar.
'The "GIC" of the three campuses of the UAM (courtesy SITUAM)
' Rallies against Yankee intervention (Sunday 12:00 hrs U.S. Embassy)
' 9 and 10 February in the SME (collective UPELC)
'Camp Park standing Social Reform, located in Sierra wet and Tecamachalco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo.
'School of Law (Bureau of collection-pillars)
' Faculty of Political Science: Cubicle Ernesto Guevara
'Faculty of Sciences. In the Prometheus
'Philosophy and Literature: Airport
' Annex College of Engineering. GAR cubicle
'CCH-Oriente in the library against the wall SERAP
' FES Zaragoza. CEIC cubicle
'FES Aragón: Cubicle
Education and Economics
'Prepa 4. Cubicle Control Committee of the p4
'Prepa 9. Cubicle 13 to 15 hrs.

Finally, we appeal to the general public to become aware and show solidarity against the backdrop of the militarization of our country which has claimed thousands of casualties including deaths, social orphans and displaced, leaving a trail bloody deepens. Exercise our right to demonstrate and social protest. Organized crime is one that is brewing between the government, military and business to make effective social cleansing to give way to fulfill their interests by using the curtain smoke in combating drug trafficking, creating a failed state, and making multi-million dollar expenditure strengthen the arms business and increase the current misery.

Likewise, we call for solidarity with the actions and efforts to organize and protest
are brewing in our country, we endorse the call to join the International Campaign
against Femicide, and we join Fasting and mobilization to be held this January 29-30 in Ciudad Juárez.

do not want this war!
Atte.: Metropolitan Coordinator Against Militarization and Violence
Students: UNAM. Faculty of Arts Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Law, School of Advanced Studies Acatlan Aragon School of Advanced Studies, College of Sciences and Humanities Azcapotzalco, National School school. At the UAM. Xochimilco, Iztapalapa campus. The UACM: Historical Center campus, campus Cuautepec. IPN: School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering campus and campus Zacatenco Culhuacan ESIQIE, Graduate School of Engineering and Architecture, School of Economics and Vocational 4. Bachelors School campus, National Student House, University Brigadier Andrés Aubry, Class Ratio, Workers League for Socialism, Socialist Workers Party, Revolutionary Socialist League, the Workers Revolutionary Party, "GECR, Revolutionary Action Group, Comité Cerezo, ADJ, The People's Tribune, Collective Red October, Collective Militant Arrojo, Technical Student Coordinator, CLEVOCAS, CLUAMX, CLES, CLECB8, FLECCHA, CID-ESIQIE, National Student Assembly, UPELC, Collective Consciousness and Freedom Newspaper The Top
'Facebook: People Organized

Life Expectancy Of Kidney Cancer Spread To Lungs

Mexican organizations are uniting against the militarization of the country - National - COORDINATOR

Mexican organizations are uniting against the militarization of the country - National -

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Solomons Boots Hiking

CNNMé AGAINST METROPOLITAN militarization and violence (COMECOM)

official poster for the first activities of the COMECOM

The "War Against Drugs" that has driven the government of Felipe Calderón keeps our country mired in the fire of the weapons, the regime's violence and bloodshed for more than 30 people dead including youth and children.
The current picture facing youth in Mexico is becoming more adverse. This war directly affects the freedoms and guarantees of Mexican youth. Lack of access to education and employment is becoming increasingly serious unemployment and underemployment show the drug cartels to a lot of people a year, of which some are minors. These organizations are presented as a possible "real" economic support, which compared to the miserable conditions of formal employment is intended to be a way out.

The disappearance of collective bargaining agreements, the termination of workers' unions and associations and farmers, increasing working hours without compensation, any hiring, wages without corresponding decrease to the increased cost of living, all of these conditions result in the systematic dismantling of the security social and thus the cruel decision to join the ranks of organized crime, especially drug trafficking, with full awareness of being able to lose not only freedom but life.
located Young people are easy prey to any potential drug to study or work, and therefore we are to the government a number of potential concern that must be fought criminals early.
Given this context, different groups, collectives and individuals in the UNAM, UAM, IPN UACM and we took on the task of converging in a unifying effort of discontent and protest against the use of violence and the use of weapons by the army and the federal government to combat organized crime as referred to occurs in the heart of our country, said that we strongly believe that the solution to security problems of Mexican society are not in the plans and strategies used by those agencies, but above all a situation meets the conditions of the present world order, which remains in the abyss of poverty and despair to millions of people in the world.
Metropolitan Coordinator Against Militarization and Violence emerges as an effort driven youth, students, workers and the general inhabitant of the metropolitan area Mexico City, to promote free from the influence of any political party or for profit organizations, the formation of an umbrella organization in solidarity with the victims of this so-called war on drugs, "actions under the following political demands:
' Against Militarization in Ciudad Juárez and the country
' Against juvenicidios
' Solidarity Juarez
' In defense of university autonomy
' No criminalization of social protest
' If we touch a touch @ tod @ s
' Juarez is not a barracks, get the army out of it

Also demand:

' punishment the perpetrators of the murder of activist Marisela Escobedo Ortiz and her daughter Ruby Marisol Escobedo Frayre well as for murderers Susana Chavez
' Justice Orrantia José Darío Álvarez, UACJ student assaulted by the Federal Police
' Stop violence against youth and students

; We agreed to make the evening the 1st Against Militarization and Violence on February 17, 2011 -anticipating the Army Day celebrations on February 19, "which consist of a march at 17:00 hrs Monument to Álvaro Obregón Ciudad Universitaria Islands, ending with the words of a slogan in the Islands through the placement of 31,000 candles: one candle for each of the deaths from violence in the context of the "war on drugs ".
We are also anticipating that this day of fighting to continue the next day with a Forum against the militarization and violence as a replica of which took place in Juarez in early November.
Moreover, we believe it is an urgent need to raise awareness and swirl around the issue: is that during the January-walks will make brigades in different colleges and high school in the metropolitan area occasion to inform, make meetings and join forces with the emerging coordinator.
is urgent that students and social organizations unite to fight the militarization and consolidate conditions that allow us to advance the transformation. We are faced with moments in political life, and the contest for youth and organizations shall be final to take the fight in our country.

Attn: Metropolitan Coordinator Against Militarization and Violence
Students, Faculty of Arts UNAM, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of UNAM, Faculty of Medicine UNAM, Faculty of Sciences UNAM , Faculty of Chemistry, UNAM, Faculty of Law, UNAM, Faculty of SuperioresAcatlán, Graduate School of Aragón, College of Sciences and Humanities Azcapotzalco, National High School 9, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana campus Iztapalapa, Autonomous University of Mexico City Campus Center History, Autonomous University of Mexico City campus Cuautepec, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Zacatenco campus, School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering campus Culhuacan ESIQIE, Graduate School of Engineering and Architecture, School of Economics, Vocational 4, Bachelors 8, National Student House, University Andrés Aubry Brigade, Collective Ratio, Workers League for Socialism, Socialist Workers Party, Revolutionary Socialist League, PRT-GECR, GAR, Comité Cerezo, ADJ, The People's Tribune, Collective Red October, Technical Student Coordinator, CLEVOCAS, CLUAMX, CLES, CLECB8, FLECCHA, CID-ESIQIE, National Student Assembly, UPELC, Collective Consciousness and Freedom Newspaper The Top

' Facebook: People Organized