Sunday, May 9, 2010

Curtain In Double Colours

First of May in our historical context.

First of May in our historical context.

If we doubt that history is marked, and is ultimately the class struggle should remember, however briefly, what happened in 1886, the U.S. bourgeoisie sought to quell spirit of social transformation that is embodied in the working class, and be able to reflect on the situation we live in today, not only nationally but worldwide primarily because of this or that political, economic and even natural or climatic emanates from the agenda of attack and defense, defense and attack classes that interact and constitute a social system based on exploitation and oppression of millions of human beings, a rotten system that supports the ruling of the massive social transformation as a historical necessity .

"What we said in our speeches and our writings? We explained to the people their conditions and social relations, we have made seeing social phenomena and laws and the circumstances under which they operate, by means of scientific research have proven over and over again that the wage system is the cause of all the iniquities iniquities so monstrous that cry to heaven. We have stated further that the wage system, as a specific form of social development, would give way, by logical necessity, to higher forms of civilization that this system paved the way and favored the establishment of a cooperative universal that this is socialism. This or that theory, this or that design for future improvement were not matters of choice but of historical necessity, and for us the trend of progress was that of a sovereign society in which freedom and economic equality of all produce a stable equilibrium as basis and condition of the natural order ... Grinnell has said repeatedly that this is an advanced country. The verdict confirms that assertion! This verdict leveled against us is the curse of the rich over their despoiled victims, the vast army of employees. But if you think that hanging can contain the labor movement, the constant movement that stirred millions of people living in poverty, wage slaves, if you hope to save you, and I believe, ahorcadnos! ... Here ye are on a volcano, and there and everywhere, and under, and next, and everywhere there is the Revolution. It is a subterranean fire all mine. You can not understand this. Do not believe in evil arts, like our predecessors, but believe in conspiracies. I liken the child who seeks his image behind the mirror. What you see in our movement, what scares you is a reflection of your evil conscience. Will you destroy the agitators? Then wipe out the patterns that amass their fortunes on the labor of workers, finish with landowners who pile treasures that start with the incomes to farmers miserable and squalid ... Suppressing yourself for excitáis revolutionary spirit. " Speech delivered by August Spies, editor of the" Arbeiter Zeitung ", the Special Court against the process that led Chicago, judicial farce staged by the State to engage anarchist leaders and Socialist German and English in an alleged attack on police forces who were preparing to dissolve by force the peaceful demonstration on May 4, 1886 called in Haymarket Square to protest the repression of workers who were demonstrating on the day before outside of agricultural machinery factory "McCormick", the result of repression of day four was 38 workers dead, over 115 injured and hundreds arrested and tortured after the state of siege declared by the government.

After a couple of decades into the struggle for the eight hours, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in its Fourth Congress deliberated and agreed to defend and implement the working day, among other demands, from 1st May 1886, that day general strike broke out to enforce such demands of the working class who were willing to abate through the grueling days of fighting that extended work twelve, fourteen and even sixteen hours. It was in Chicago where the events took place with greater impetus and organization, as has historically occurred general strike is not presented as simple decree, isolated incident that particular day the class is homogeneous up to face his opponent. For more revolutionary and consequential than those organizations that lead the labor movement, the general strike is the natural result of a whole period of struggle. Since February 16 of that year the workers of the company McCormick broke a strike by improving wages and working hours to eight hours after the bursting of the factory was occupied by the army and put to work by rompehuelgas, sin embargo, la lucha de los obreros no se detuvo y continuó hasta las jornadas de mayo; el primero de mayo estalla la Huelga General que se venía anunciando al menos un par de años antes, el día dos se suscita un choque entre los huelguistas y “los amarillos”, para el día tres otra manifestación, esta vez a las afueras de la fábrica McCormik y convocada por la Unión de los Trabajadores de la Madera la cual fue brutalmente reprimida. Tales acontecimientos desembocaron en la manifestación del cuatro de mayo, tras el lanzamiento de un artefacto explosivo por un desconocido las fuerzas policíacas arremeten contra la manifestación; August Spies, George Engel, Albert Parsons, Louis Lingg y Adolf Fischer were sentenced to hang, Samuel Fielden and Michael Schwab were sentenced to life imprisonment for his part Oscar Neebe was sentenced to fifteen years hard labor.

In 1890, three after the unjust sentence, the International Socialist Workers set May 1 as the "International Workers Day, date of not only the memory of the" Martyrs of Chicago " fighters and pioneers, like many others, the powerful American labor unions today, but also the everyday struggle of workers to win a world free of oppression and exploitation.
who being unable to beat the story comforting to celebrate May Day as a date at which you just have to remember not intrude both matters pertaining to the labor movement in its present stage, the best cases one will resume the most pressing demands of workers in shackles chaining of reformism, democracy, yes, but what character class, bourgeois or proletarian "? "Capitalism or socialism?

A year ago the media campaign was able to immobilize Influenza the bulk of the contingent of workers who sought to show their rejection of the fraudulent scheme Felipe Calderón. Today's circumstances are different, not only because this "epidemic" faded during this time but because there are elements that give this May a totally different character than in previous years. The sharp increase in prices, unemployment and cutbacks in public expenditure, the escalation of violence stemming from the alleged fight against drug trafficking, an emerging political crisis in the party leadership, natural disasters, but especially the large number of fights broke out across the Mexican Republic are proof of it.

Although by way of the facts of the workers rights are not respected and minimally despite the intentions of legally seize workers' gains are not new, the economic crisis makes it imperative this need of the bourgeoisie. Impair the response of the workers, that's the slogan of the regime of capital, the blow struck against the alleged electricians as the miners are located in the perspective of the alleged "labor reform", for its part, the reform of state and reform to national security posed by legal pillars with which underlies the free exploitation of workers same as that would ruin the collective bargaining, safety and job security, benefits and the lack of union autonomy and a greater subordination of workers to capital.

The reform initiated by the PAN, a party representing the interests of the most reactionary bourgeoisie, related to U.S. imperialism, has led to disagreement even within the PRI, although bourgeois party that has behind it as strong trade unions CT or CTM, which has forced him to make statements and even an alleged mobilization cijunta with independent labor unions against the proposed labor reform. This situation is dictated by the interests of defending the interests of workers but to safeguard the interests of the respective bureaucracies affected by the issue of transparency association. For their part, union leaders linked to the PRD and the forces of that party in Congress see that its room for maneuver on the question of the general strike made that affects its efforts to achieve a smooth 2012. This incipient polarization assures us that the adoption of the reform is not a simple thing, tapping, moorings and blackmail are the daily bread, the issue of alliances clearly show it. But the resurgence of the movement in conjunction with the economic situation is to ultimately determine the political agenda of power, parties and unions. The intentions of the NPA to give more power to the president and the armed forces, government reform and national security reform, respectively, are in this perspective, for many clarifying the inevitable collision approaches, the bourgeoisie has very clear prepared from it and try to keep the device in power but still not convinced the PRI.

"demonstrations" on the alleged impracticality of increasing wages or welfare of the workers have always existed, at the present stage of the movement to defend the rights and guarantees expressed in the constitution play an important role to force the labor movement, demands the cancellation of the note-taking increased wages and the establishment of the wage-price level (if prices for an increase in wages in the same ratio), the defense of union autonomy and democracy are factors that contribute to the maturation of the general strike, trust in our own strength and traditions!. The move confused and scattered but has begun to revitalize, we are leaving behind decades of apparent immobility, rallies, forums, sit-ins, strikes, rallies, class newspapers, committees, etc. are proof of formidable and wonderful future to combat rising before us.

A minimum advance in independent, class, democratic and revolutionary workers worth more than a thousand legal figures, any kind of social contract, which leave the working class together but no confidence in bourgeois and petty attitudes bourgeois who strive to continue to support the prevailing social capitalism and pray.

After 124 years of the historic feat of the working class in its struggle for a better future in the spirit and ideals of the Martyrs of Chicago reincarnated flourishing in our complex reality.

Viva May 1st!