Family Catechesis
With great participation was the Catechesis Meeting Year 2 of our parish
Two buses crammed with parents, children, guides, ACN and the family of Dominican Sisters in full, left around 08:30 hrs. from Chapel Nta.Sra.del Carmen with the "precious cargo" of participants in the direction of the Vicariate South Zone located at the height of the whereabouts of high Avenida 17.
Once arrived at the Vicariate and placed the bags of groceries, went to the salon where he would develop much of the day's activities and where they were welcomed and greeted by a very synchronized team, comprised of Religious Guides (fathers Animators ) and ACN (Animators Celebrations Children).
After an initial motivation, it led to the organization of groups of 5 to 7 members each, which brought together women and men separately to share in a first instance, the way each is made PAN and Wine for the world.
With the joy of discovery PAN and be food for other giving, support, guidance, caring family, and also to feel WINE, encouraging the joy with others, each participant was found to be in existence, the presence of God in world history and in their own life stories.
After this first step, it was time to share in a revitalizing breakfast table and, after that, return to the same groups to talk now about "some" of the Eucharist (Mass) and as such "party" touched our lives.
Forgiveness, Listening to the Word, The Offering, Consecration and Communion, among others, led to views that later in the plenary had to be exposed by a group secretary.
During the plenary, children encouraged by their "uncles" performing dynamic and age appropriate games, it also discovered the joy of being loved by the God of Life. Sharing
the "general views" of each group, applauded all the content and message that each one handed, it was time for lunch with the family and chapel groups. The sandwich, chicken, salads and more, mingled with the smell of charcoal and meat from a nearby house that was prepared a barbecue, children playing and parents were sitting in the shared around so far. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION
From the table, went to Mass, led by our pastor Father Raymundo Estillore, which alternated the habitual of it with short presentations that the children were of the fixed part of this Gran Fiesta del Pueblo Christian. Staging Gospel, Gifts brought by the children, bread and wine on the altar and wonderful moments of love expressed in "the time parents ask forgiveness from the children" and "when the children apologize to their parents."
deserves special mention Homily teaching of our pastor, which I invite you to address the way in which imagination could fill a glass container (our life), also imaginary-tennis balls (the day to day life) , stones (the difficulties of everyday life) and sand (the whole ground of problems, aches and pains of life).
The "form correct "he concluded, is: fill our lives (container) with tennis balls (every day), followed in between with the difficulties of everyday life (stones), and finally everything else (the sand). Make the process in a different order implies that life is filled with problems and pains, leaving no room for happy times and the enjoyment of our lives with those we love.
Shipping and Sign of Peace delivered at the end of the celebration, gave a sense of spiritual communion beautiful and provided the space for mutual good wishes of well being, as he dismissed with a "until the next" new friends made during this meeting.

Two buses crammed with parents, children, guides, ACN and the family of Dominican Sisters in full, left around 08:30 hrs. from Chapel Nta.Sra.del Carmen with the "precious cargo" of participants in the direction of the Vicariate South Zone located at the height of the whereabouts of high Avenida 17.
Once arrived at the Vicariate and placed the bags of groceries, went to the salon where he would develop much of the day's activities and where they were welcomed and greeted by a very synchronized team, comprised of Religious Guides (fathers Animators ) and ACN (Animators Celebrations Children).
After an initial motivation, it led to the organization of groups of 5 to 7 members each, which brought together women and men separately to share in a first instance, the way each is made PAN and Wine for the world.
With the joy of discovery PAN and be food for other giving, support, guidance, caring family, and also to feel WINE, encouraging the joy with others, each participant was found to be in existence, the presence of God in world history and in their own life stories.

Forgiveness, Listening to the Word, The Offering, Consecration and Communion, among others, led to views that later in the plenary had to be exposed by a group secretary.
During the plenary, children encouraged by their "uncles" performing dynamic and age appropriate games, it also discovered the joy of being loved by the God of Life. Sharing
the "general views" of each group, applauded all the content and message that each one handed, it was time for lunch with the family and chapel groups. The sandwich, chicken, salads and more, mingled with the smell of charcoal and meat from a nearby house that was prepared a barbecue, children playing and parents were sitting in the shared around so far. EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION

deserves special mention Homily teaching of our pastor, which I invite you to address the way in which imagination could fill a glass container (our life), also imaginary-tennis balls (the day to day life) , stones (the difficulties of everyday life) and sand (the whole ground of problems, aches and pains of life).

Shipping and Sign of Peace delivered at the end of the celebration, gave a sense of spiritual communion beautiful and provided the space for mutual good wishes of well being, as he dismissed with a "until the next" new friends made during this meeting.
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