Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blueprint For Go Kart


Feminism has climbed the first rung "as we are committed to radically transform the world, each precise woman, likewise, change radically. For feminists, every woman is the cause of feminism. Every woman has the self-proclaimed right to have rights, resources and living conditions for development and democracy. Every woman has the right to live in freedom and enjoy life "
anthropologist and feminist, has been elected as Member of the Mexican parliament in recent elections in that country. Lagarde, a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, over thirty years fighting for the cause of women, from the Mexican Communist Party and presented as separate lists of Democratic Revolution Party (PRD)
Postgraduate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Graduate Advisor Gender Studies Foundation in Guatemala and the Diploma in Gender and Development, UNAM. Coordinator Workshops "Cassandra" Feminist Anthropology. Gender Programme Advisor of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities at UNAM. Collaborative feminist groups and networks of centers and institutes of Women in Mexico, Latin America and Spain, UNIFEM, PAHO, International Cooperation Agencies and Ministries of Women in trade unions and political parties. Member-Secretary of Organization of the University Academic College of the UNAM. Member of Editorial Board of "Hypatia", a collection of the Andalusian Institute for Women of Spain, the magazine Cuadernos Feminist Diversities Editorial Collection Feminist Interdisciplinary Research Center of the UNAM. Author of over 100 articles and several books on gender.

In his youth, Marcela Lagarde was a member of the Communist Party. He trained as an anthropologist and a very early age in the ranks of feminism.

is Ethnologist, Master and PhD in Anthropology. Federal Deputy of the Mexican Congress during the LIX Legislature (2003-2006), where he served as President of the Special Committee to Know and follow up on the Investigations into Femicide in Mexico, and Law Enforcement Ties.

is professor of anthropology and sociology graduate of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico; student of anthropology of women, feminism, gender identities, sexuality and culture. Unionists Network promoter. Taught in academic institutions and civic groups, and works with feminist groups and networks in Latin America and Spain.

Politically, he was elected as Member of Parliament of Mexico by the Democratic Revolution Party, still expresses its intention to continue the fight of his life: the full recognition of citizenship rights, economic and political women. Among other proposals, Lagarde has undertaken to promote equality as candidates, to promote transparency in the use of the resources of the National Women's Institute and to demand a genuine commitment of government towards the female population.

Marcela Lagarde has emphasized that the feminist paradigm is not exclusive, as feminism women construct alternatives not only for women, also for men. Argues that the alternatives in the story are not binary oppositions and that eliminating patriarchy does not imply the establishment of a matriarchy.

fundamentals Another approach has been to highlight-front-theme concept? Fraternity? from the French Revolution, the ? sisterhood? , which means the recognition and unity of women in their public actions. A meeting between the women which builds a shared alternative and support to transform the lives of every woman. It is a concept that implies the modification of the constraints of gender
. When women get the sisterhood, that connection, establishing an identity assertion. Failure to develop an awareness of gender , neither can achieve a positive identity and only then is it possible to overcome the lack of power of women and create opportunities for solidarity.

believes that every woman is a personal process in the formation of feminist consciousness and identity and the transmission of this to society and institutions. Among the key of this identity, highlights the empowerment as essential to gain autonomy and strength. Empowerment is an analytical category that raises the need for women's access to power, but not to the established power, but the positive powers of life of women.

recognition of his contributions

Professor at the National Autonomous University Mexico.
Postgraduate Professor of Anthropology and Sociology, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Graduate Advisor Gender Studies Foundation Guatemala and Diploma in Gender and Development UNAM.
Coordinator Workshops "Cassandra" Feminist Anthropology.
Program Advisory Gender Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Sciences and Humanities at UNAM. Contributor
feminist groups and networks, Centres and Institutes Women in Mexico, Latin America and Spain, UNIFEM, PAHO, International Cooperation Agencies and Ministries of Women in trade unions and political parties. Member-Secretary of Organization of the University Academic College of the UNAM.
Member of Editorial Board of "Hypatia", a collection of the Andalusian Institute for Women of Spain, the magazine Cuadernos Feminist Diversities Editorial Collection Feminist Interdisciplinary Research Center of the UNAM.
President of the Special Commission on Femicide in Mexico.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Author of over 100 articles and several books on gender . Among them:
The captivity of women: madresposas, nuns, prostitutes, prisoners and crazy (1990). Gender and Feminism. Human development and democracy. (1996)
Several studies on ethnicity, gender and feminism are in the book The raised. Nellys Palomo and Sara Lovera (comps). (1997) Identity
gender and feminism. (1998) Key
feminists for power and autonomy of women. (1998)
a feminist outlook on the threshold of the millennium. (1999) Key
beloved feminist leadership. (2000) Key
feminist self-esteem of women. (2001). Key
feminists for negotiation in love. (2001)
To my life partner. (2005)
Diagnostic Research Presentation on violence femicide in Mexico, 14 volumes, the Chamber of Deputies, LIX Legislature, Mexico, 2006


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