Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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A centenary of struggles of women: 1911-2011 commemorate, celebrate, "politicize?

Ana Silvia Monzón

In the dawn of the twentieth century, women lived, as today, different experiences: The workers, many of them migrants, malvivían in slums that emerged around the mills in the early stages of industrial capitalism in England, America and Germany. Like their male counterparts were added to the proletarian struggle for a better job, fair wages and reduced working grueling. But unlike them, left their energies not only in factories, workshops and homes employers, should also take care of their sons and daughters, and their precarious homes in working class neighborhoods.

Black women, on this side of the world, suffered an ignominious slavery, and hundreds of thousands of indigenous women in Latin America and many more in Asia and Africa colonial servitude imposed by the successive European centuries. Racism, based on these hierarchies centenarians, denied their human condition, effects that still live in modern times, now expressed in xenophobia against migrants, as before, face discrimination, contempt and exploitation.

elite women enjoyed the benefits of its kind, but some transgressive devoted their time to think, write and carry on a stubborn struggle against male power, in contradiction with their own principles of democracy, freedom, equality and fraternity, did not hesitate to say that the place of women (and especially their women) was the house. So they wanted to vote seemed inappropriate and even aberrant.

From these various conditions the women resisted, they were organized and with different emphasis, facing the impacts of unbridled, oppressive patriarchy, and racism abhorrent. These struggles are what give substance to the International Day of Women, convened for the first time a century ago. Zeltkin Clara, German socialist, visionary woman who managed to capture the zeitgeist and, a gesture of gratitude to their ancestors, contemporary, proposed to devote a day to celebrate, but also to push the claims of women.

Vote, better working conditions, education, participation, summarized the demands of the times, common ground, even in the early twenty-first century have not yet all women. In these struggles have added many more in the course of this first century of independence, free maternity, sexuality free from restrictions, the right to decide on the bodies, eradication of violence, freedom of expression in all areas.

A brief account of the situations that women continue to suffer the synthesis of the iniquities of the systems of oppression, exclusion, discrimination and racism that are trying to impose models of womanhood, outline lives marked by sexual abuse, rape of bodies, the violence of a different sign, new forms of labor and sexual slavery, poverty, hunger and malnutrition, support and denial of basic rights such as think, say and do. So say there is little to celebrate some voices.  

Pero cuando nos conectamos y reconocemos los miles de nombres de mujeres que han multiplicado sus energías para que las luchas de las mujeres continúen vigentes…sí hay que celebrar, celebrar sus vidas y sus contribuciones.

Conmemoramos a quienes les fueron cortadas las alas en sus afanes de libertad; celebramos a quienes en este centenario han hecho historia con gestos transgresores privados o públicos, a quienes han hablado en nombre propio y   nos han heredado word.

And at the dawn of the century, before the avalanche patriarchal discourses with new light attempt to discredit the struggles of women, empty of content and lower their demands the intensity of their voices, from different thoughts, views and doings, the feminist re-politicize the legacy a century ago, began to germinate.



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