Jessie White
That is to say, after all, that "women are sexist" and often invisible to deny the role of men and the relations of power between the sexes. An example of this is so common the phrase or sentence rather "to blame the machismo are women," rather "our mothers" to be more accurate. This lapidary phrase condenses on the one hand, the fact that it is women who have weight in our culture and the burden of raising children and on the other, the absence of legitimate parental responsibility in the matter, this is the reproduction of male chauvinism on both sides. What would be a half truth becomes a lapidary sentence. Reduce the analysis of machismo to the culpability of the subject and the impunity of individuals, places us in the field of battle of the sexes and in the field of moral (bad mothers if they are not good parents.) Situation is far from the feminist claims.
is important to note first that the fem-ism is the other face of machismo and feminism as not wanted to see. Feminism and its various expressions and motor currents have historical changes in social relations in the search of the liberation of women by questioning the hierarchies and inequalities between the sexes. In this regard, both the fem-ism as opposed to machismo.
Secondly, it is important to identify what we understand as machismo and enlarge the magnifying glass to not reduce the behavior of males, but also to recognize the scale of this building culture in socio-sexist culture. Machismo is often difficult to define, but almost all recognize it and suffer.
Marina CastaƱeda (2002) in his valuable text entitled The Invisible Machismo, editorial Grijalbo, defines as a set of beliefs, attitudes and behavior which rest on two basic ideas: First, the polarization of the sexes, ie a contrast between male and female under which not only different, but mutually exclusive, on the other the superiority of men in areas considered important to men "(p.20). In this sense, using feminism as the antonym of machismo is a sexist way of expression that makes the game to reinforce the perverse patriarchal culture and exclusive polarized dichotomy that is based on the identity of women and men.
But what is patriarchy?, Why feminists oppose and have based all their struggles to fight it? Patriarchy in its literal sense, means "rule of parents, a say, well but in the case of our society, where families are predominantly matricentric, how does the government of the parents? Historically, the term has been used to describe a type of social organization in which authority is exercised by the man and the head of household, owner of the heritage of which were part the sons and daughters, wife, slaves, girls and property, in this sense, the family has been one of the main institutions where the system has been based, but not the only success there its cultural domination.
Discussions about patriarchy took place in various historical and were reiterated in the 60's by the feminist movement in order to find an explanation for the roots and origin of the situation of domination and oppression of women that enabled her release.
Feminists have studied the different expressions that patriarchy has been adopted throughout history and different places and institutions of both private and public life, from family to society as a whole, finding that while patriarchy may have originated God, family, founded on the voluntary agreement, in all these models the dominance of men over women is maintained. In this vein, Gerda Lerner (1990) has defined it as "the manifestation and institutionalization of male dominance over women and children of the family and the extension of the domination of women in society in general."
So, no matter if the father is absent in the family, either the physical absence or symbolic (in terms of the paternal function is concerned), yet the patriarchal culture plays in male socialization family matricentric. Because besides, the whole social, and other institutions also play both in structure and function.
Jessie White / revistamatea @ / April 8, 2011
usually hear often that feminism is contrary to machismo, confusing feminism with fem-ism, that is only sexist machismo reproduction by women, in another sense endomachismo has also been called "a kind of machismo endogenous or into which we reproduce ourselves against women.
An example of this can be seen in everyday spaces of the Metro: When a woman gets pregnant and women who are in reproducing the typical behavior of macho men, failing to yield the seat or in the skills of women to conquer the "love" between a man and a lack of sisterhood, which appears in women taking positions of power and become so tyrannical as men, arguing to be accommodate them warlike policy. But where does this common association of feminism as opposed to machismo?.
While it is true that the feminist movement has struggled against the patriarchal culture and its expressions in all areas of life (from public to private) course oppose, any form of expression of machismo is endogenous or exogenous, visible or invisible.
The stigma of feminism by associating hembrista practices, has a role in the logic dominance of patriarchal culture, when trying to assimilate and naturalize any possibility of social transformation that threatens to the culture.
That is to say, after all, that "women are sexist" and often invisible to deny the role of men and the relations of power between the sexes. An example of this is so common the phrase or sentence rather "to blame the machismo are women," rather "our mothers" to be more accurate. This lapidary phrase condenses on the one hand, the fact that it is women who have weight in our culture and the burden of raising children and on the other, the absence of legitimate parental responsibility in the matter, this is the reproduction of male chauvinism on both sides. What would be a half truth becomes a lapidary sentence. Reduce the analysis of machismo to the culpability of the subject and the impunity of individuals, places us in the field of battle of the sexes and in the field of moral (bad mothers if they are not good parents.) Situation is far from the feminist claims.
is important to note first that the fem-ism is the other face of machismo and feminism as not wanted to see. Feminism and its various expressions and motor currents have historical changes in social relations in the search of the liberation of women by questioning the hierarchies and inequalities between the sexes. In this regard, both the fem-ism as opposed to machismo.
Secondly, it is important to identify what we understand as machismo and enlarge the magnifying glass to not reduce the behavior of males, but also to recognize the scale of this building culture in socio-sexist culture. Machismo is often difficult to define, but almost all recognize it and suffer.
Marina CastaƱeda (2002) in his valuable text entitled The Invisible Machismo, editorial Grijalbo, defines as a set of beliefs, attitudes and behavior which rest on two basic ideas: First, the polarization of the sexes, ie a contrast between male and female under which not only different, but mutually exclusive, on the other the superiority of men in areas considered important to men "(p.20). In this sense, using feminism as the antonym of machismo is a sexist way of expression that makes the game to reinforce the perverse patriarchal culture and exclusive polarized dichotomy that is based on the identity of women and men.
But what is patriarchy?, Why feminists oppose and have based all their struggles to fight it? Patriarchy in its literal sense, means "rule of parents, a say, well but in the case of our society, where families are predominantly matricentric, how does the government of the parents? Historically, the term has been used to describe a type of social organization in which authority is exercised by the man and the head of household, owner of the heritage of which were part the sons and daughters, wife, slaves, girls and property, in this sense, the family has been one of the main institutions where the system has been based, but not the only success there its cultural domination.
Discussions about patriarchy took place in various historical and were reiterated in the 60's by the feminist movement in order to find an explanation for the roots and origin of the situation of domination and oppression of women that enabled her release.
Feminists have studied the different expressions that patriarchy has been adopted throughout history and different places and institutions of both private and public life, from family to society as a whole, finding that while patriarchy may have originated God, family, founded on the voluntary agreement, in all these models the dominance of men over women is maintained. In this vein, Gerda Lerner (1990) has defined it as "the manifestation and institutionalization of male dominance over women and children of the family and the extension of the domination of women in society in general."
So, no matter if the father is absent in the family, either the physical absence or symbolic (in terms of the paternal function is concerned), yet the patriarchal culture plays in male socialization family matricentric. Because besides, the whole social, and other institutions also play both in structure and function.
Jessie White / revistamatea @ / April 8, 2011
Source: Gender in class
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