Monday, April 11, 2011

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strengthen and promote media misogyny

Leon Quimy

N or accident that leaves the front page of the Free Press "There are also wives aggressor" This begs the question, and further about what the role of mass media, how imaginary consolidated based on misogyny and fear, which rely on male domination and identifying where we can go our fields and forms of struggle.

And is that the media expression of hegemony, exacerbated the deep fear that has the power and men, that women are emancipated and no longer under the control male and being an object of economic transaction, because women give away our work force for men and capital accumulate wealth through the ownership of our bodies and ultimately our lives. Just in this context, where the power spreads its tentacles to extend his dominion and plunder, steal and make more money.

With this release, trying to prove stereotypes that already exist in the population and it is easy to hear as discursive spaces either informal or colloquial , as in more formal activities such as meetings, government agencies, politicians, etc.. evident in phrases like "women want to flip the tortilla or that" does not make them like before. " When I talk with women from different locations, backgrounds and ages, they report that there is widespread fear that women know their rights, same stigma with these in general and is expressed in phrases like "because of human rights, women now want to send." In the background is the threat of radical feminism that fear him.

This same fear is expressed in the words of José Posadas, a psychologist at Family First (according to Free Press)

"We've seen extreme cases where the man has to fear women, because it is so violent that even knows how to handle weapons. "

In the opinion of Elvira Samayoa (According to Free Press) of the Prevention and Eradication of Domestic Violence (PROPEVI) when he says:

"Beatings were the end of a series of manipulations that began with small orders and do he cook or help with homework for children, l or later became obligation.

evidence is clearer, as it reinforces the idea that a woman who demands an rights and the man raised the need to comply with its obligations or responsibilities at home either or care of the daughters and sons, she said, this can can lead to violence. I am appalled because this is clearly a message and warning to men about the danger that could mean for a woman they know their rights, to defend or demand justice and shared responsibility and therefore an invitation to reassert its dominance and control. It also shows the little validity given to women who report their attackers, as the legal operators with this mentality, they will always see women as guilty and responsible for what happens to them, and ultimately this justify hatred and violence in all its forms against women, which we know comes to death.

" When he did, and activities as the wife liked, stopped feeding, and then began the process of physical aggression."
to the official the PROPEVI (According to Prensa Libre) feed is an obligation for women to refuse to do is use it as punishment and manipulation, reproducing the idea that reproductive work is exclusively for women and strengthens prejudices poor women from the role of victims in that place men, invisible to the levels of violence and control on the lives of women and of course its causes, this is expressed as follows:
"Another case involved a man who married a Salvadoran woman who had been a sex worker. He tried give all the facilities that allowed his salary, but it was not enough and began to demand more.
When it was no longer possible for him to accede to their requests, the wife reported him falsely before a justice of the peace, by violence.
The woman managed to get custody of their children and forbade them to see their father, who was mocked and insulted whenever he could.
also reports that some wives harass their husbands and watch obsessively, of jealousy, which has led some to denounce the situation in the PROPEVI. Samayoa
tells of a wife so jealous that the man preferred to leave the house. In desperation, she hit to report it, and when they got back, called for measures to prevent the husband could see his children. "
is clear that the media are trying to consolidate a number of values \u200b\u200bthat structure the society and create a lifestyle that normalizes violence and legitimate mechanisms of power and domination, serving with its role as ideological apparatuses.


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