By Raul Chavez
Totonicapán, 21 May ( Cerigua ) .- The staff of the different health districts Totonicapán prepared the Annual Operating Plan (POA ), corresponding to 2009 in order to visualize the actions to be undertaken in the next period, Moses said Rosales, head of
The process involved all employees with technical and administrative that entity, because the idea was to schedule a comprehensive plan that includes all activities relating to the entity, said Rosales.
On the other hand, the respondent indicated that the 34 service centers available to the public health area, 17 have been prioritized for renovation, including improvement of water painting, roof repair and electricity, as many buildings are years without maintenance.
In Momostenango opened last April the focus of deliveries, which have been attended 19 births, with this is to lower rates of maternal and infant mortality, the official said.
Rosales said that it is strengthening human resource management, for what has already hired 30 people, including technicians, doctors, paramedics and administrative staff.
End Cerigua
Rch / Jp-Ld
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