Wednesday, May 21, 2008

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Commission complaint repression against members of the PNC

Guatemala, 21 May ( Cerigua ) .- union organizations filed a complaint with the Court American Human Rights (IACHR ) against the State of Guatemala for violation of freedom of association in the National Civil Police ( PNC) and the human rights of former members of National Police (PN).

José Pinzón, general secretary Confederation of Central General de Trabajadores de Guatemala (GSEE ) reported that the face of persecution and repression that the union and ad hoc committee of the PNC has suffered for 15 years the labor movement took the decision to raise their case before the IACHR and International Organization (ILO).

Finch said he also denounced the layoffs and dismissals that reorganization, the former national police have suffered as they have been anomalous and arbitrary; not been allowed to return to the National Police Civil (PNC) formed in 1997 as part of the Peace Accords.

Among the petitions presented to the Inter-American Court are ensuring that members of the PNC the right to unionize and the security of ad hoc committee members as Mario Mazariegos of that committee was kidnapped and tortured.

also raises the reinstatement of the officers who were dismissed arbitrarily and recognition of outstanding wages, and start the process with respect to such memorial and forward it to the state of Guatemala by attaching a period of 2 months to submit its response.

The union stressed that the ad hoc committee has been operating has championed the rights of all security officers, including those in the PN , however, the PNC has refused to recognize its legitimacy as a result of a failure Constitutional Court handed down against him in 2007.

Cerigua End



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