Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bow And Arrow With Balloons Game

Thaw Your Heart, speaks from the heart

Voice call him

"Elder" from young man picked up the family legacy of the wisdom of his clan. His grandmother was his first teacher, taught him "to smile, walk tall and full of strength." Is a shaman Inuit (Eskimo) and his people sent him to the UN to tell you something 33 years ago: the world is warming, the ice will fall, the seas will rise and drought ravage countries such as Spain. The elders of his people "have known that in 1963 saw a glacier disposal." It takes years explaining: "They all listen and say they will do something ... but nobody does anything!". And sentence that no change until you who change in your heart. He tells the world and listen to the voice of ice (Uranus).

What has come?

A thaw hearts.

"I have it frozen?

Yes, until you see your inner beauty and the beauty of the world.

Did you see them?

I learned from my mother, my grandmother ... Has 86 years and never went to school, but understands life better than anyone.

What's to understand?

The balance of the world. I see you are very concerned about the polar bear, by seals, but ... And why human beings?



For every degree centigrade rise in temperature, the seas will rise four meters ... Take care of natural balance!

Do they do the Eskimos?

We had always done. Now I'm worried ...


white man's laws prohibit hunting seals, fish, whales, dolphins ... What shall we eat? "Beef? It's horrible!

Man ...

seal meat is excellent, very rich, the best and healthiest in the world. But the cow stables, pork raised on shit ... yuck!, That is not healthy for us.

Prove you the cured ham ...

Before everything was in balance before, and now ... now the white man like all fishing. But there is no fishing for seals and many men, and is being finalized.

We have good intentions, we want to protect seals, whales, bears ...

Just because seals have pretty eyes and Brigitte Bardot hurts. And know that the polar bear can survive from -77 º C to +40 º C. Much more than the man!

That leads to the neck bone ...

is a bone of the tail of a blue whale caught my great-grandfather 150 years ago, which measured 45 meters. Polished on one side, rough on the other: what I inherited, meaning that I am as strong as the tail of a whale.

What do you do? I am a man

medicine, traditional healing practice of my people, learned from my grandmother, my mother, many elders in my life ...

What cure?

Everything. Because everything comes from the soul, the heart, when we forget our beautiful ... The vast distance is between here and there: is between mind and heart, and we have to conquer the land.


helps us a lot of sweat lodge.

What is that?

Traditionally, we there to sweat, so we clean inside and out. The whale did with ribs, arms, seal skin ... Inside, fire, water, steam ...

What happens then?

The soul is elevated and purified. It's a very nice ceremony. Like life. The whole life is in itself a beautiful ceremony that deserves to be celebrated!

drum Is that help?

Stand in front of me.


Ouuuuuuu ...

... ... What

vibration ...

This is pray. It is a prayer. The drum is made with white skin ...


Just kidding! It is synthetic fabric. Formerly, we were in sealskin, but as now the white man has forbidden us, we have to make their tissues ...

Is it true that Eskimos have dozens of words for snow?

And to say only a tree because there are different species of trees. But instead, there are many types of snow ... that each one has its word.

For example.

Masannartop is a type of wet snow. Isugutasoq is a snow like you have here. Nittaalaq is a kind of snow that kills you if you eat. Queisoq snow is ideal for building igloos ...

you spend "too cold?

The world is a fridge, ha, ha ... But in winter, it feels colder in the Pyrenees in Greenland, due to less moisture in there.

Where Eskimos live today?

in Greenland, Canada, Alaska, the Chukotka Peninsula of Siberia, our people have risen to 16 million miles! Today we are only a million people. Contact us with the white man decimated by epidemics ... There was never any war between us, the Eskimos! We are the people most peaceful of mankind.

Is it true his reputation for hospital? Yes

women do they reach sexual offered to Eskimos host?

We are not repugnant physical contact! But you do not you play white. And the greatest human need is to be touched. We play a lot. Do not have sexual taboos or jealousy. We are civilized people.

What brings message from the ice?

That the world is beautiful. If melting your heart and appreciate your own beauty, enjoy the beauty of the world. Let mistreat already! There is nothing more difficult for a person to change, I know: but if you do not change you, your children and grandchildren continue to do so ..


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