Happiness: Life With You!!
Equipment and Talent Interview May 2011 - Article here
Today we talk about the importance of motivation but above all happiness framed in the workplace. Is it really a fad or happiness at work or on the other hand is it necessary? Consider
happiness at work as a fashion is a simplification that is just shocking. Suffice it to mention the findings of Don Juan-Miguel Villar Mir, after a long business career, reminds us: "Happiness is a prerequisite for achieving efficiency. Effectiveness and happiness are inseparably linked and walk hand in hand. " It is true that in recent years we are being invaded by promotions to associate happiness with certain consumer products, and not that of what we are talking about. The search happiness in business is not new, many policies, such as personal-work life balance, moving in that direction. What really exists is not yet a model that describes the various ways of how to achieve it.
How companies should work the concept of happiness in your organization?
Some companies operate in the short term and seek happiness as an occasional activity through training sessions or motivational speaker. Some even believe they have found its master formula simply because they do customer satisfaction surveys or employees, although not always know how to make their conclusions. Many seek happiness of their employees to increase productivity in the long term, but not always know where to start.
The truth is that getting around people happier is a necessity, especially in uncertain times like these, and in a competitive environment in which intangibles such as talent are crucial to higher profits. In the end only organizations that associate in a consistent and continuous happiness to its strategy with excellent human resource policies will achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
How an employee can reach full happiness in your job?
He defined happiness as Aristotle the highest good, which gives meaning and purpose to any other so loved by the man. But as we try to clarify what this well, discrepancies begin. We love to hear advice canned or think there are magic formulas, but with age, we conclude that only act as placebos. As complicated as it sounds, every employee must seek and find happiness in performing job functions and how to make them better than the competition within an organization that assesses and treats them as human beings, not just as an employee.
In this sense, how working from Autocoaching ® happiness?
After six years of research, from Autocoaching ® show to educate businesses and employees on a methodology that will guide them to seek and find happiness, from the values \u200b\u200band beliefs within each individual and arriving at a different point for each person. A comprehensive method that provides all the conditions (factors, or motivators are necessary) so that each person can stop wasting energy and use it to complain about something so productive and make the necessary changes for improvement.
What is the recipe for happiness?
We'd love to offer magic bullets, but happiness is a state of mind that each person finds different ways. Instead what does exist is a method that allows each person to pursue happiness individually and customized from a process of continuous change.
What are the main steps of the Methodology Autocoaching ®? Methodology
AutocoachingCon Autocoaching ® Methodology (1) assesses our current state, analyzing everything you want in life, (2) determines how we find our happiness and finally, (3) identify and implement necessary changes to help reach another state of happiness, enduring the whole process in the full range of web tools.
This is presented in two books, Autocoaching: how to get the best out of yourself (Ed. Gran Aldea) and to arouse Autocoaching (Ed. Lid), which provides useful tools supported by some of the benefits of coaching.
What is the value from the tools provided Autocoaching ®?
Autocoaching ® Solution With 3.0, companies are approaching a complete customizable website that allows the company to build the future, improving the quality of human capital in organizations. These tools are based on the methodology Autocoaching ® to help achieve happiness, developing the professional and human potential. They offer a first step of awareness that can then be complemented with a professional (coach, psychologist, mentor, etc.). The main advantage provided by these tools is a complete catalog of tastes and changes that helps people find their preferences and know better what they want in life. Currently, this catalog includes more than 250,000 taste factors (conditions) and nearly 10,000 changes.
Who are addressed Autocoaching ® tools?
We have specific solutions for customers and shareholders of a company (Application miGPSVital ®), or their employees (Application miGPSProfesional ®), which delimit and shorten the process of change thus obtaining a high return on investment.
The next 16, 17 and June 18 will participate in the European Congress of ICF Coaching. What is the central idea that based on his presentation? Show
study of happiness in the past six years about how to apply a professional approach to coaching. Share my vision of democratizing the coaching, so that its benefits reach as many people as possible.
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