Saturday, May 7, 2011

Radioshack Sata Cables

The Democratization of the Arab : They are like us

Bin Laden's death is much less important than the defeat they inflicted upon it and the Arab revolution.

"Before the CIA, bin Laden had been killed by Arabs themselves?

And this second death is only the culmination of operational and ideological decay of Islam crazed Bin Laden. Al Qaeda has long been irrelevant.

Did not followers? Always had failed

among Muslims: Al Qaeda had been defeated in Iraq and Palestine, where the Islamists themselves have been prohibited from entry.

And now he has no future? Negligible


And his successor, Al Zawahiri?

A bizarre story. Has already proved its ineffectiveness when he made an ideologue, citing a. .. Napoleon! And to Al Andalus. Nobody in the Arab world takes it seriously.

For if Al Qaeda was a cult and Bin Laden only a bogey ...

Bin Laden was one of those cult gurus leading to the deaths of his followers. And, yes, they can cause terror in the West - cause it's so easy! - But without any significant support in the Arab world.

So why was the star of our TV news for eleven years? Because

fit perfectly into our paranoia and prejudices. Confirmed our false stereotypes that Muslims were violent and undemocratic.

was said that Islam is incompatible with democracy.

And the 11-S and Al Qaeda fed those prejudices. In contrast, the Arab democratic spring now reveals that Muslims are more like us than we were willing to accept.

... Because they have worn all these "analysts" and "experts" in Al Qaeda.

arose after 11-S to meet the huge demand for social security. And politicians, therefore, gave them budget.

something you served the waste?

I noticed that if we were facing Islamic terrorism as a security issue, end up getting only security response.

Although both "expert" nobody saw them, the Arab revolution.

We surprised everyone.

That list is illustrious and well-paid and includes secret services.

You are right: it was too easy to become "expert" on Al Qaeda without leaving your computer screen. Especially when Al Qaeda was in some way, internet.

what way?

were mere terrorists, but with 11-S found a global platform, internet, she was born. This platform is the only thing that elevates Bin Laden on the legion of sectarian gurus, some equally bloody history of Islam.

Had too much "expert" virtual?

Yes, the problem is that virtual reality is not, has its own laws.

Are you doing self-criticism?

I speak Arabic, fieldwork and denounced the contradictions of Bin Laden.

For example.

Al Qaeda is westernized to the point that ... Using the Christian calendar and not a Muslim!

is true!

And instead of Al Jazeera, CNN will be served. Actually, when, after 11-S, starts Bin Laden stardom in the West, its cause was already in decline throughout the Arab world.

But U.S.
said the 11-S with two large-scale military invasion.

grave mistake of Bush and bin Laden's success. Instead, he was more intelligent and effective English response to 11-M: treated as mere terrorists and criminals to try them. The proof is that Al Qaeda took relevant to these civil lawsuits, because they did appear shortly military.

Sometimes things are done right here.

Therefore, the English strategy of considering isolated Al Qaeda as criminals is that Obama now applied successfully. In fact, the only possibility for Al Qaeda to achieve Muslim was attracting some support to the West into major wars of invasion.

current Arab riots Do not end up manipulated by the fundamentalists?

Why are we reluctant to admit that Democrats like us?

Perhaps the Arab democratic revolution is more difficult to analyze than Al Qaeda.

But it is infinitely more important. And it shows that Muslims are identical to us in their aspirations. Have been an example of peaceful and orderly organization and improve their future by themselves.

salute your noble endeavor.

Muslim democrats we only require three things. And the first is not money.

a relief.

only hope it will not intervene to support dictators such as we have supported for decades in exchange for oil and under the guise of stopping Al Qaeda.

What else?

we cut them would appreciate the financial wing dictators like Gaddafi.

bombard Was it necessary?

The intervention has prevented murdered thousands of Democrats, but also a restored Qaddafi, and with its oil, became leader of the counter starting from Tunisia and Egypt.


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