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The Pursuit of Happiness: Psychology and Religion

Rousseau and Freud are two philosophers opposed in their views about the happiness of man over nature.

Rousseau is an optimistic man and think that all humans are good because they are rational beings who tend to good. He thinks that man is happy in their natural state into barbarism. But it is necessary to create a social contract and with it a state because men need to live in society and not individually as in savagery, because humans need each other.

Freud's view, however, talks about the destruction of men together when they are in the barbarism of a desire and selfishness without human control. He said the creation of a social contract and a statement is made to protect humans from creating their own civilization.

This philosopher is also the subject of the suppression of erotic impulses of man. Think that each pulse creates repressed aggression in the individual. But also believes that the lack of satisfaction, there's right and who is punished is a great thinker. These impulses are instinctual nature of man to satisfy their needs. Are neither good nor bad in themselves. But the company so far and even today criticizing and condemning those impulses considering stopping embarrassing and ultimately bad. The solution to this problem is to make changes in the social body, society. The lack of happiness is due to the non-rational society. And all the evil deeds committed by humans due to their unhappiness.

Happiness is a state very difficult to achieve and many conform to the Nirvana, a state of absence suffering. The attempt to avoid suffering left in the background trying to get pleasure. Happiness and joy includes suffering, but that is offset by the first named. CHAPTER 2


The pleasure is presented in this chapter and what we need to achieve virtue. According to the Epicureans is the beginning of happiness. We all move after pleasure. This comes in many ways. The first principle says that without conscience or concern could achieve the pleasure and happiness.

The Cyrenaics thought that the pleasure is in the stomach, which is the organ that has the reason.

Meanwhile, Aristippus, another pleasure principle, believes that the pleasure of the flesh is greater than that of the spirit, while physical pain is worse than the spiritual. Epicurus says the opposite by giving more importance to the spirit.

Happiness is obtained through all the pleasures, not by individual pleasures.

knowledge and happiness are incompatible. The reason does not lead to happiness. The pain is more on reason than on the body. According to Nietzsche, those ethical measure the value of things for the pleasure or pain they produce are superficial ways of thinking. CIREN when is stating the reason away her fear of pain and suffering.

The frequency and amount of pleasure is also a subject. When there is an abundance of pleasures, they eventually disappear. The Epicureans seek to achieve the greatest possible pleasure or risking losing the least we can. The Epicureans believe that we must seize every minute of life and this is very beautiful. Want to have dominion over all. Epicurean sage is one who achieves self-control. Think that that is fair, wise and prudent will be happy.

The Epicurean Stoic starts to become as streamlined pleasure. According to the Epicureans who wasted time is wasted by being.

spontaneously People flee from suffering, but sometimes we are able to endure suffering in order to achieve finally a greater pleasure.

In religions, polytheism and atheism are similar. Opposites tend to be similar. In polytheism the gods are like men and thus remain part of his divinity. They are presented as immortal supreme beings, but as people like us.

Death is also named. Presents death as the last pain that leads to a state of complete insensibility. That philosophy which avoids at all costs the pain is showing their fear and not vice versa, as they see the Epicureans, for example. They focus their life around the fear of death. All deny the death and we stick to life, although we know that eventually arrive. Besides we all die alone, even in our life we \u200b\u200bare not. CHAPTER 3


Different philosophies agree on one thing. The absence of meaning avoids the pain: the Nirvana, the state where you feel nothing is the salvation of the pessimists. The Buddhas believe that when desire ceases, so does the pain.

The Stoic wants to dominate the decay. Someone you do not mind harming decadent. Choose something that is not good. Although treat you badly, you must respond in a good way, but unable to resolve the problem, resulting in harm. Everything

you feel you produce a greater effect on the greater the intensity has the feeling.

Passion provokes frustration. When you want something that does not depend on you are doomed to frustramiento. Death can take away what you want. Therefore you should keep this in mind so that the suffering is less when it arrives. The Stoics reject

parties, excesses of passion. They want to live in hiding and get the domain of pleasure and passion so they can not produce evil. The soul gets happiness and peace when there is no fear or disturbance, the disturbance causes passion and therefore reject it.

virtue ensures happiness, but not pleasure. The unhappiness is due to the delights. Happiness is, therefore, attached to virtue. To get to be happy you deserve it. The pelegianismo believes that the greater the effort closer you are to virtue. Whoever gets to be virtuous not to fear the pain if he will get happiness.

Spiritual distress can occur while the body joy. The positive and negative feelings may occur in parallel. Happiness takes effort and willpower. You can not expect others to make you happy.

believe Christianity necessary to do good works to demonstrate the love of God. These actions are performed only by faith. The amount of good works amount to the extent of the Christian faith. The effort to get good deeds leads to virtue. To being worthy of happiness and to serve God must work. You must not lose the time you have, given the brevity of life, leisure. It is morally condemned those who waste time in such manner. But that has not worked too much time to devote to God. This is why Christians down on Sunday to rest and devote that day to God.

Nature is contrary to reason. The first represents man as a whole. Men are a group of people. The reason, however, tends to individuality. The nature sets limits to what we can do. Is what creates us and gives us the means by which also gives limits. According

Kropotkin, the sense of Morality is something that exists in all men. Is a sense. Therefore believes that every person doing what he wants to work in a beneficial way because of their moral sense. It is an optimistic philosopher. This theory borders on anarchism. We live in nature and act as we believe, because they always act correctly because the man is right and always good. Only becomes bad when it is corrupted by the state.

The company believes those good deeds that benefit herself together, to society. It's bad that it harms. In species that cooperate among themselves, their people are the ones that have greater survival rate.

a virtue that every man has is compassion. The man did not want to see her suffer like because it means that he can suffer. The survival of the species is due to this virtue. We help each other out of pity.


The pleasure is accompanied by pain. We must correctly choose our joys and sorrows with them also to reach a balance. The pleasure should be ordered. The good man chooses the real pleasures and not fake, like money. Joy needs streamlining to be good.

Happiness takes effort, but under our own efforts and not directly give happiness, but when routed to the right. The more perfect it is one that is pursued for itself, like happiness, which is always chosen for herself.

's natural tendency to be happy is the desire for happiness. Nature mistreats men giving men the need for happiness without being able to oblige. The man may be a victim and disobeying his duties, but is satisfied.

Goodwill is required to be worthy of happiness. In wishing you wish to achieve happiness also means that you have to catch up. The way to achieve one's own happiness can never be defined as the concept is not governed by reason, but by imagination, is therefore individual term, each defines it differently as imagine or feel.

not always the happy man is good as you could wish for one thing but not good.

The categorical imperative pursues the good working correctly, even if this does not get our own happiness. According to this search for happiness is a duty, not for herself.

All beings have desires. Pleasure is the coincidence of desire and its real representation. Want us to be loved.

Virtue and happiness are linked. The link between them may be that the pursuit of happiness and the striving for virtue are similar actions.

freedom of the individual comes from freedom of will. Duty, moral law, makes our will is good. Will allow us to make choices, we choose, what makes us free.

Duty is what we must do. The man feels he must fulfill this duty to act properly. This allows us to act universalizing standards, doing for others what we want for ourselves, must obey reason, the person should not be used as a means but an end in itself.

moral theology ethics laws based on the existence of a supreme being. Which has certainly be happy despite the pain, because God guarantees that your effort is rewarded. Religion explains the purpose of life.

philosophy is characterized by the order. Philosophy is necessary in all things because it is always necessary to have faith in something. Even science, initially takes faith. CHAPTER 5


theories of Nietzsche speaks of a man who is not healthy because of the excessive claims that this creates falling into arrogance.

classic Nietzsche The subject is divided into many parts (many subjects do not exist and it demonstrates Nietzsche):

The "I think" where the individual is subject because he thinks and that makes him an individual. Sometimes they can not distinguish actions will, feeling and thinking. We can not define the concept of thinking because really when we think we can be sure that is true and we make no further action.

The "subject" substance "means to be an action, after she found the subject. His soul is not involved in the action. Behind phenomena there is nothing.

The "subject" will ": The will is always present. It does not make your will, all other things involved possess free will. Our body, like everything, is divided into subalmas. As in any community, that ruling is identified with the group. Thus with one of the holds will subalmas possesses the entire group.

The "subject" cause ": Every person wants to attain freedom of will, that is, to act freely, taking responsibility for our own actions. But we ourselves that we will not be free to create barriers and signs that make our will is mythological, that is not free.

The "subject" it ": The thoughts do not occur when you want. They themselves come to mind their own when they want, not when you want.

The "subject is mask": The man often tries to mimic what would be his own ideal. We all aspire to peace of soul. To try to achieve it are hypocrites. It is because today people have no faith., So you need to create new ones that give you faith convictions.

sick animal man: Due to failure and pursuit of happiness in society there are many sick men. There is only one way of healing. Recognizing his illness, and therefore, their lack of happiness. According to Nietzsche, the man healthy so sick must also then recognize their illness and to achieve happiness. Every man should be sick at some point and then be happy.

responsibility we feel is the need to punish and judge every fact that is made and who makes it. To finish with this we must remove the memory. Only memory is what we can not forget because the pain never ceases. To end a turn with the memory must develop oblivion. Without forgetting the happiness can not exist because we do suffer memory. Oblivion is a force.

Desire is where our need for happiness.

Nietzsche believes society is divided into moral moral moral masters and slaves.

aristocrats or nobles are those who hold power in society. Help the weak and not by compassion and helping others do, but because they have a surplus of power that should outsource. The aristocrats are traditionalists. They do not like to innovate, but to follow traditions, they have modern ideas. They feel respect for the elderly. They are intolerant, they believe must be punished severely those who do not fulfill their duties and they do call it justice. All the noble traits has equalities policies and ethical theories of extreme right, among others, with Nazism.

slaves are contrary to the noble values. They believe in compassion, humility, helping each other. Do not look kindly on the noble, as these are less than slaves.

free man reaches the state of happiness and disregards the rest to settle for a welfare state. The free man is a warrior. That man belongs nobles.

noble breeds fall within the concept of barbarism. Take pleasure in destroying. They want to win and cruelty. Nietzsche

also despises the masses. Believes that beauty can not be shared and what can be shared does not have much value. When there is tension in the dough, turn arises genius. The powerful man, the strongest.

Nietzsche believes that virtue is stupid. Worth only those virtues that are in harmony with our needs. CHAPTER 6


philosopher Nietzsche agreed with its rejection of science. Knowledge is what that makes people unhappy. The man should not think because this way you will have no time to rest. Mankind is always at the margin of everything. The man has no knowledge that exists until it comes into contact with knowledge. Without science and knowledge there is no pain. Humanity is below the rest of us by the fact that these have the benefit of ignorance. They have no need of wisdom.

The pain will always exist as part of everything. Our lives begin and end in pain. And the pain part of life for all, for this will be easier not suffer because suffering is something that always lived.

humanity from the beginning has not been to rise to the occasion. So now the man is obsessed with the end of evolution. It aims to become someone like God and become perfect, but it is evolving against it becomes dwarfed and making nothing. Only wisdom can lead to freedom, but not to the power.

always promises pleasure without giving anything. In case similar desire. The unfulfilled desire is suffering, but instead is satisfied becomes pleasure. After the pleasure comes the disappointment.

Man aspires to things beyond their means and therefore unable to be happy. The only possibility of freedom, and thus be eligible happiness is giving up our identity. Become one. And at the same time trying to be ourselves, but this time without any previous identification and condition us. Those who are not accepted, they are not themselves live doomed to unhappiness.

The man is a failure of creation, but even in failure is extraordinary.

Sartre's philosophy is rather different to those of Cioran points. According to Sartre the end of happiness is linked to the image of man. The world rejects the man. The world has confidence. You have to be at all times in a state of alert and this is tired.

Anxiety is the absence of responsibilities to the rest of humanity.

Existentialism is not usually associated with the word happiness. We unfree beings, because we are condemned to it. Total freedom of man is when you have the choice whether or not to exist, but as no man before there appears no one is completely free.

existence has an endless wealth, because the existence of a single being are possible succession of events.

Existentialism is opposed to the abolition of God. With it disappears the possibility of finding values \u200b\u200bthat govern society. If there is no God all would be allowed, we would not find values \u200b\u200brigiesen our behavior. Happiness, according to existentialism, relates to our behavior before the alleged existence of God. CHAPTER 7


The definition of what is good has several variations. Some are those who think that term can not be defined. Conversely, others feel that although this is hard to find definition must exist because otherwise we can not speak on ethics. Could one of the definitions relate good with that which produces pleasure, which is nice. The pleasure is desired by all men. If we understand pleasure an object of desire would not be desired by all men, and perhaps for some poses no good but evil. The utility identifies

happiness and pleasure with the utility. Believe we must bring order and rationalize the goods and pleasures, even knowing that what gives them pleasure or some others might not. Utilitarianism is similar to hedonism applied to the pursuit of happiness in society. Their concept of happiness is hedonistic touches. The only thing that the utilitarian does not accept is having to bear the consequences of acts they have done others. Defend the self, arguing that the purpose of this is the general welfare, but it is not true because they try to get the public benefit, but your own. Stuart Mill's utilitarianism, a representative of this philosophy is based on three fundamental principles:

The principle of happiness, which is said to be the righteous acts are those that promote happiness, and those that produce unhappiness unfair. By happiness means the absence of pain and gaining pleasure. This is what utilitarianism has in common with hedonism.

The principle of hierarchy which means that at two different always a pleasure is more desirable, and therefore takes precedence.

Principle of public interest where it is believed that the man should not act on their own happiness and that of others. Think you should treat others as you want to be treated. Love your neighbor, as in the Christian ethics.

When the rule utilitarianism is faced with a situation where you must decide between providing less benefit to a greater number of people, or a greater benefit to a smaller number of people, is decided by the first option, because they think that happiness should be for as many people as possible.

Kant thought it was better the death of a man before this corrupt his people. Utilitarianism of the rule has similarities with Kant and his categorical imperative. This philosophy can not join or separate the imperative.

action Utilitarianism thinks that if an action has negative consequences should not be performed. The actions to be made provide greater pleasure than those performed without having to be made.

Despite all this, utilitarianism has no basis to solve society's problems in practice. Stuart Mill thought that the state was promoting the welfare state.

happiness and virtue have value when they serve the possessor. The fuses under times we used to pretend to be good people, honest. Can be hypocrites. For example, generosity, ambition may be the later you get something in return.

people's interest may change the vision of objects, according to Helvetius. The moral is subject to interest.

Man can be divided into two types. Which is human and can not stand the sight of the misfortunes of his fellows, so he tries to help others, and inhumane man feels pleasure when he saw suffer the rest and refuses to help them. Sometimes we take advantage of the happiness of others to provide us with affection. But man can not change because you can not deny his passion.

The state has always been present in human history from different points of view. Hobbes believed that human nature is selfish, competitive and suspicious, causing the fight between humans. Therefore it is necessary to get the state to restore order. The worst statement would say that man is capable judge for himself without state assistance. Instead, Rousseau said that the whole human barbarism is not good or bad because there is no moral. But his instincts are good by nature. The state only aims to promote the public interest. And to achieve their purpose with the education and punishment. Since the law is to be corrected where the customs of man.

The state is the only solution to the vision of man as selfish.

government's vision of many people is an institution that oppresses us. Uses terror for its purposes.

Science is many times against happiness. Creating pump resulted in the destruction of happiness for many. This is happiness for state terrorism.

nationalism in Europe was the cause of many struggles. Nietzsche claimed that one of the biggest problems in Europe has been religion. Europe is in crisis and wants to join to get out of it by a common economy. Europe boasts

things it lacks. The European human rights advocates are not always met, as some men are treated like animals. Also, some intellectuals who are supposed to help in the progress of Europe have an image of man disadvantage. Europe is in crisis due to structural injustice. The European man also is facing a identity crisis.

When people abroad is shown differently from how they really live is facing a crisis. The crisis prevents happiness.

According to Sartre the man is a useless passion. This is one of the ideas leading to crisis, because if we do not sense any man society can not function. The man works to create a society with the slogan "liberty, equality and fraternity", where men can be happy. CHAPTER 8


In the last chapter of this book, the author raises the question of the existence of an objective and universal happiness. Actually there theory of happiness that we all accept the same. There is only the possibility of rectifying the history of mankind to be unhappy and this is not guided by rationality.

The option proposed is that of personal happiness and community. From biology happiness can not arise. Biologically happy man there. In psychology we can see different points of man to happiness. Each individual behaves differently to it. In some only a small amount is sufficient to reach the summit and in others it is more difficult and effort and that everyone has a desire to get a new one immediately after that from the sociological point of view, in the absence of social happiness man seeks happiness interior.

Happiness is built, not described. It is therefore an ideal of the imagination. Also constructed by reason. The collection is accompanied by unhappiness happiness because there is no pleasure without pain. The crisis in a society always surprise, never expected. And before her rise to many questions about their motives. One of the problems of our society is the individual's inability to express their pain and seek help if necessary. Do not know how to express our feelings. And as we do not know to ask for help we do not have ability to give it when someone decides to ask.

difficulties should be addressed with joy and goodwill. We know the pain fit. The affection of those around us should be measured not only by the mutual joys, but the wounds, but only those necessary to not live a lie.

The choice of personal happiness and community is trying to be worthy of happiness and appreciating the happiness that comes. Life is good and worthwhile. Believe this also believe that happiness is man's best value and can not be measured. It alone may be subject and end in itself, never a means or object. This makes the man is rational and free. In contrast, many philosophical theories underestimate the man and considered one to be worthless not being a subject. These theories antihumanist.

personalistic anthropology and community makes it clear that it is capable of love, considering life a thing of great beauty.

Jaspers believes that man is insignificant. A little part of a huge world. The world is not unity, but the man feels the need to seek order any and seeks a unity that the elements of the world.

When the man is really conscious of his freedom comes faith. When viewed as an individual thinks is not his own work and that is where God comes. And when it denies the existence of God, being free, we tend to deify the man.

One of the few people who keep writing about happiness and that he is appointing Michael Cobain. His book The architecture is really different themes. Happiness is for those who work. If you want beauty, build it. Ugliness is the destruction of beauty. The ugliness is chaos, nonsense. The beauty has order and meaning. Freedom is surrounded by many paradoxes. Some rejected it as a burden, a responsibility and who dedicates his life to find it. In love, being loved is almost as important as love, because love does not accompany unrequited happiness. Love is not to have, but be. He who does not love destroyed, but destruction to justify the obtaining of something loved. One who destroys his fellow man can not be considered because they do not love yourself, which is a human.

Christianity has been the hope of obtaining the happiness of a large human population. And many nonbelievers support seen in parts of this ethic. In life, pain is always present. Just get the happiness that man who confronts. Jesus dies and is exposed to pain model for the believer. The right to happiness can not be achieved alone. No one can be happy without the other.


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