Thursday, February 17, 2011

Example Of Speech About Myself And Company

Julieta Paredes: "Community is Feminism Feminism Revolutionary

Aldunate Victoria Morales
We have become feminists to revolutionize society, if now we can revolutionize the process of change which our people live what we do ... Feminism is to eliminate all oppression ...
Julieta Paredes, Women Creating Community Community
"Community" and stressed: "Community is twice, at the beginning and end ". And that is the force that maintains its proposal. "The Autonomous Feminism and Anarchist, was no longer enough," he says. "The year 2000 was the Bolivian people's struggle for water against transnational Bechtel and we were not there, there, it was just where you had to be, but that were overfished in the media our image "...
Juliet is a creative and does not accept being told" poet "," singer "or" writer "although all those things and more.
came to Chile in October, invited by the Lesbian Feminist Collective and the Global Alchemy Fates. On his way to Santiago and Concepcion, between 10 and 19, presented his new book *, he sang with a beautiful voice, his love poetry, participated in forums in populations, Mafalda's house, lesbian feminist Conception, also in the Library of Santiago, and spoke of Bolivia, the Community Feminism, Feminist Assembly and its positions against the government "a brother, Evo Morales, and no one who does not understand because Juliet is not an" intellectual ", but a feminist lesbian community which is with women, understands and communicates with them.
autonomous Many feminists do not forget to Women Building for the 90. In the VII Latin American Feminist and Caribbean, held in Cartagena de Chile (1996), Women's Building was a major force for so many we could define and differentiate the political autonomy of institutions. They reported: "Careful, now Patriarchy Women disguised as greedy for power!" And his action aroused the angry reaction of feminist women who left angry (... is that they felt identified with the institutions ...).
Creating Women Are these then divided?
Yes, it was in 2002, 6 years ago. The personal is political, but in this case, although the influences are, had nothing to do directly the fact that couples were no longer Maria ** and me. The separation of couples was 1998, and the political division was the Women's Building 2002. So the group was not divided by our separation, but by other political differences. I think there is a milestone is marking the division. In 2000 we traveled to a mega-exhibition at the Museo de Arte Reina Sofia of Spain. We had been invited to a sample of leading Latin American Contemporary Art, and gave us two rooms for us alone. European intellectuals recognized us ... or, perhaps, showing us ... but what about the people of Latin America, especially Bolivia that was ours, what ... I felt we were stuck in a place that was not ours, or at least not that many of us wanted ... That division begins and ends in a sad meeting that lasts an entire day, with much pain ...
Am mean that they were transforming into a feminist elite, but radical?
More or less. A group, and a move must be of quality, yes, but also quantity. Many times we come to meetings where important things were tried for Bolivian women and men, and we knew they did not know about us and our proposals. I do not believe in a movement that appointed himself is enlightened vanguard because the people are going to do what to do ...
When and why it appears the Assembly Feminist?
After the Women's Building Division, the community turns to the popular and social organizations of women. With great patience since April 2002 we were building relationships with women and neighborhoods of El Alto. In 2003, when there is an insurrection, we find these women on the streets fighting against neoliberalism and the recovery of natural resources for our people. There, the sisters realized that our feminism was not for the TV show, nor for export, which in fact we were feminists for our people, from our people. Since that time, we are still meeting in the café "Laughter" and born Feminist Assembly is a coordination various feminist groups and loose.
"A system of oppression that oppresses all humanity on the model of oppression of women by men. Consistent with this definition we seek liberation of all humanity, not just for women, from a proposal and finding that comes from our body. This is the liberation of mankind. The proposal is anarchism in the community, we, feminist community, we start the Community and we will transcend the State to the Community of Communities. And we do from our people originating. We talked about an alternative, cross-culturally, convened to handle the categories of feminism as part of the liberation of our people. It is an inclusive approach ours. "
Do not assume the inclusion of the rest of the people, would be something like feminist fundamentalism, in your opinion?
not that. First, there is no" The " feminism, there are feminists, that respond to different interests. Among them the class and caste or ancestry. "You see this" not join the mob "is a bourgeois idea. It is fundamental because feminists who think this way need not fundamentalism, are conservative in themselves, or want to preserve their system of class and caste privileges. Not that feel threatened her feminism, but her class and skin. You need to mark the differences of class and ethnicity, something like "we're not involved with them ..." ... show maternal attitude to the lower-class women, for they are so ignorant that they are going to teach us ... and rights clear, there is the idea that the male batterer and abuser is the poor man and beaten and humiliated women is poor, and much more if indigenous and lives in rural areas. The middle class, intellectuals and the bourgeoisie does not give the forms of violence, humiliation and exert repressive control over "their" women, but they do not recognize it, always well made for photos of the social pages. So from this fiction, we want to tell us our rights as they should be ... would be good to take out studies on violence among intellectuals, middle classes and bourgeoisie is not it? ...
Feminism feminist community is revolutionary?
Yes, we are positioned from the belief that feminism is to eliminate all oppression. Often, other feminists stand in the belief that just about the oppression of men over women, then there is the system of oppression of they are talking about or that are challenging. They can be "solidarity" with the Mapuche and the workers 'right', but also can stand from the pulpit to tell the left, the Indians, how badly they do, and without providing their own struggle for the transformation of injustices the left and the Indian fight.
We are feminists to transform reality, we believe that change is possible and not just change but revolutionary change. For us Feminism is the struggle of any woman anywhere in the world at any time in history against Patriarchy oppresses us. So feminism is hope for all humanity, reconstitute a necessary balance.
your current job in feminist politics in the government of Evo, some will accuse you of being "coopted", others say you build ... What say you?
When we became feminists is to revolutionize society, if now we can revolutionize the process of change which our people live we're doing, and we're. The Deputy Minister of genre will be convened to plan the theoretical framework of women as it recognizes our work and commitment. I believe that they themselves have been surprised by the proposal, because nothing to do thus far occurred in NGOs and social movements. We, the Feminist Assembly, and we are immersed in social movements as feminists, we are part and act as part too.
Only a bourgeois and self-centered woman may want her driving alone thinking what an elite-total only needs to show, show off their intellect and genius, total, have their needs met. For us, the ordinary women who just want to be happy and everyone else is, we are not interested in those prizes patriarchal, to satisfy our needs to live well, happy and with pleasure. We need the each other and the other too. So I am as a consultant to the Vice Ministry of Gender, selecting, naming and conceptualizing our practice, other tell-theorizing, for women we take possession of real feminism - the reality-revolutionary community, which brings us also to live well women.
mean, you, you are not going to stop at the pulpit, but it became part of the revolution ...
That we will not stop at the pulpit, no. We do not tell us the system we thought about that "revolutions are not possible," we do not assume that "stay calm, everyone, and reduced in place that the system has awarded us. " We do not just have a brother in the government, we want to change the system and build a new society from us. And let's not enough and Autonomous Feminism. Sure, we are autonomous, and and what else? We will not be looking at how they spend the revolutionary processes in our noses, we do we mix, we muddy, we risk in the revolutionary process, we'll be in them ... What "Indians are sexist? Yes, do "people are sexist!" Yes, do the "is patriarchal Evo!" Yes ... And we do not? Are we macho us? The truth is that we have many contradictions and what is certain is that we do not want to be macho, but that's not the same as not be sexist. We believe that the Evo is an important symbol and it is not the same thing that the gringo Indian Evo Goni, and we are confident that many social movements are going to go beyond Evo.
How do you build all from the Community Feminism has shown us?
We have sexed the Community, chacha-warmi concept is complementary to the Aymara, we have taken and we're turning on its axis so that it is no longer "woman under man" woman "its complement, but men and women, one beside the other, so we talk about warmi-chacha. And we're not talking about heterosexual couples, no, we talk about political and symbolic representation of two equal members of the community. It is the very otherness. We have said we do not accept that women-and men-we heterosexualized of duty, we are not with that of whether you want to be recognized you have to be heterosexual couple, married. These interpretations are patriarchal and colonial heritage. We are a legitimate one with or without a husband, straight or gay. And we do not want or humiliating men with that, we are showing only place, one like ours.
On the CPE, the State Constitution, and especially the new Constitution has spoken enough even been charged with treason by the amendments made what say you?
That letter has never been in favor of women, or women and men of our peoples. Written English has always been the place where we are entangled, so our mothers put us to school to learn to read and write Castilian, for us to understand also. This new Constitution and its adoption in the referendum is symbolic but poorly made, has made the people and not a group of doctors. And it is a starting point against the Right. But then to say that the new constitution is the one we wanted or what could be achieved than that is a lie.
Still having a liberal conception of the relationship between society and state?
We do not recognize as valid changes because they were not made by and constituents but by party members, civic committees, all self-appointed liberal. The changes were an emergency exit and so I recognize. Right I wanted was to fuck, create difficulties. What was found is not valid for the country, are attempts to recycle the Liberal State, but we will not be so idly, we have a plan for further reforms clarifications and explanations to do. And why not prepare a new process to draft, in the near future, Our Community Constitution.
The struggle continues and the process in our bodies and thoughts as well. Who said it was easy to make the revolution ... I learn every day that the revolution in Bolivia in addition to being insurrection is patience, because the insurgency responding to the patience of respect and articulate common processes and long when it's time.
What is the figure of a state of revolution in a given community?
We do not want state, the state is the invention of Western Liberalism and serves a group privileges. At this time we talk about EU state, that is in the government's plans, but we believe it is an old cloth patch with a new tissue. Feminist Assembly us as we offer another form of social organization without a state and instead the Community of Communities.
How do you talk of Violence against Women in the Community ...? ...
Violence against women is not only towards women, if we understand women and men in community, if we understand that we are part of a unit: the Common-Unity , then how do you explain that a knock on the other hand? Or that a foot hold on to kick the other? If we are the shock to a community, hurt us all and everyone. It affects the whole community the violation of women from childhood to old, not just the problem of "a" and isolated ...
Juliet's proposal emerged from a Community of Women and a Women's Caucus - Latin American feminist views seems to shine, to date, something opaque. His dreams yarn not only disrupt normal instituted, the bourgeois liberalism and feminism, but to the entire academy. When he speaks of what policies say about other ways that also contain other substances: "The Community for us is political representation. We're not talking about percentages, we did not ask indicators, the numbers are liars speak of fields of action and struggle: the Body, Space, Time, Movement, Memory ... "...
" A community revolution is what we are doing, the Community of Communities. We are dismantling the patriarchal junction when the Republic was founded Indian men accomplices ago with colonial men against women. We talk about feminism because Gender is a relational category only complaint that has been misused. We, the feminist community, we are among the social organizations that require a Community State ".
Aldunate Victoria Morales
Memory Feminist autonomous feminist
* Julieta Paredes, "Spinning Fine. Community feminism. "Women Creating Community Community. CEDEC Association's Advocacy Center of Culture, La Paz, October 2008.
** María Galindo, a member Women's Building, co-authored with Sonia Sanchez's book "No woman is born to bitch." Lavaca editor 2007.

source: Kaos en la Red.


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