Monday, February 14, 2011

Money Tree Poem As A Gift

feminist empire Oops, feminists! Surviving

Carolina Escobar Sarti

From the size of our monsters are our fears. It scares us that we do not know, we do not know, what he proposes to break the holy order in which their grandparents grew up, which takes us out "of the labyrinth of our own navel", as would a good friend. Hence, feminism still sounds threatening to many people in our country, although, fortunately, each time for less.

of all, some people have told me they do not like the suffix "ism" in the word, because they believe the "ism" part of a political fashion right, associated with an ideology which, of course, is not theirs. The strange thing is that these people are just afraid of some "isms" of modern and postmodern discourse, because in practice adhere minor or give to others as fascism, sexism, colonialism, neo-liberalism and racism, coming from way back .
But leaving by aesthetic considerations aside, others who, incidentally, have never read anything about feminism, they feel like it take for himself the stigma attached to feminists: all hate men and want to be like them. There is no doubt that ignorance is bold. Clear that the maturation process has demanded historically feminist first break with a system of domination (almost like a shock therapy) that has more than 25 centuries of presence, and that, by definition, gender is a condition subordination to another, but generalizations are always trivialize much deeper issues.
For example, the burqa having a million women in the Arab world under the forms of brutal repression and exclusion, not simply a cultural symbol. It is a symbol of oppression. However, in a moment of history, the conservative government of George Bush, to repress sexual and reproductive policies and prompt current on the evolution of creationism in their own country, used the burqa to condemn a country to which armed him war and thereby meaningless feminist complaints that have come for years from different parts of the world, in connection with this problem.
Paradoxically, when Sohaue Affaire, a young Arab woman living in marginal areas of France, was burned alive by some young people, to punish her boyfriend, who had gone through a forbidden territory, many said that if he had the burka, it had been burned. Thus, the burka ended up being a satanic symbol and protection while in the view of everyone. But feminists know that, although the veil that covers the entire body can not be separated from all other evil social practices that are performed on women in that context, we are also aware that there is the veil that must be protected a woman, but the laws of a democratic country that considers its status of citizens.
Worldwide, the second leading cause of death for women in the world continues to be motivated violence by the men who usually live with them in their environments. That would be more than enough to talk about a system of domination based on negative values \u200b\u200bas violence, hatred of women and authoritarianism. But from there to all feminists hate men or want to be like them, the distance is capitalized. There are probably more hatred between feminist women, understood as a mechanism of survival, they refuse to say what you feel tough or distance themselves from feminists as traitors to their mandate "natural." Topics
as above and others were discussed in a talk that was recently organized by FLACSO, PNUD, Idei and the University Institute for Women, to which we women and men. Dr. Annie Sugi, as principal speaker, gave a warm exposure, rigorous and brilliant about feminism. As her contemporary and friend of Simone de Beauvoir, presented part of the movie I want all of life. Freedom as Simone de Beauvoir. We are left wanting more, because one is never enough time to philosophize and land.

Source: Free Press


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