Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sister Wrestling Brother

Intelligence News

Dictionary is feminism? Feminism is one of the pillars of democracy, and is one of the policies that are born with the world we live. Because we come from societies where women are nothing. And what has enabled women to be knitting and achieving citizenship, is a major movement that already has three centuries of questioning that the woman being excluded from the rights you. It is a movement quite successful, but have been linked, indeed, to the West.
How many people regard it as a "machismo backwards?
For lack of consideration, and interest. For lack of reflection because if you can pull down a path easy, our understanding is lazy. And in part by interest: it is that feminism is alive, get things, and really demanding. Of interest, many people may want to be misunderstood. Because feminism is not the opposite of machismo, but it is absolutely contrary to machismo. And he wants to kill him. And, really, machismo has defenders.
Feminism aspires to equality, but what about the differences? Schools of thought based on theories of sociobiology argue that the difference between men and women would be in the genes: the man would be genetically programmed to be rational, constructive, and women genetically programmed to be more sensitive, generous, conciliatory ...
50 years ago that was very much in the limelight when sociobiology reagent that speech. But we're not really talking about whether people are more sensitive about than others, or if a more easily cry in front of the soaps. We are talking about whether a woman is going to condemn you to hell. To have less rights to be scared, to have less money or depend on the will of another. Then, the secondary characters such as sensitivity do not play in this. What plays in the open and democratic is the formation, will and merit. Feminism is a political movement, and works in the political arena. Therefore, aspiring to political equality, ie citizenship aims to be a shared citizenship.

Many claim that men and women can not be equal, but complementary ... Well is one of the things said, that men and women are complementary ... if women do not touch as the party that is complementary, fine. But is that the complementary are always the same! No, I think everyone, men and women are human beings and that free and open societies have to be able to achieve the same property and live a good life.
What are the main contributions of feminism?
The main contribution of feminism, no less, is to return humanity to a single subject. Note that the Bill of Rights of 1948 has not been made without a great feminist Eleanor Roosevelt.
Feminism has done a lot by a consciousness of mankind different and better, apart from having done many things for which we were denied rights: knowledge, sitting in college classrooms, the open professions, the professions.
Feminism has been a huge ally of innovation and moral innovation. Changed the West's moral record, whole. Because freedom of women introduces an innovation that has never existed before and that is special because it opens the door to new world that do not even know how they work, where the challenges are different.
Feminism has won his battles in the world, which is more determined to go for the novelty and innovation. But while the battle of women, their freedom, not win in the whole world, not won. In many parts of the world, born a woman is a living hell punishment. Born in Africa is a living hell punishment. Birth in many parts of Asia is the same. And in Latin America, remind yourself that there are two or three sites that are not advisable ...
What aspects of feminism criticize you? Ahi
I will be very conclusive: feminism has nothing to be ashamed. There has been violence and yet have died in the opponent. And it has achieved by peaceful means always, at the expense of the lives of many people sacrificed, gradually achieve goal after goal.
then embraces feminism "altogether ...?
If you do not do that, would not be fair to what has allowed me not having to fight for the vote and have it, not having to fight to sit in banks of the university and have done so. Those before us gave us many things and won. How to not be grateful?
Do you see new forms of pressure against women today?
The truth is that this again is very little, are the usual. Does not need much renovation this issue: there is violence against women, there is deterrence to give everything to know whether there is solidarity between them because they are afraid of what little they have each ... The system is still endures because it remains very perverse. And because most people that embodies not even realize that it embodies.
What strategies of resistance to these forms of oppression you suggest?
have to make an international feminist agenda where those who are open to the same page is support to get things more easily, less hard costs. That's one. Solidarity is the best strategy, and freedom of speech is a great strategy. And feminism can exist only where there is freedom of speech and freedom of thought. I do not think that Iran live a good life our feminists.
What do you think of the genre or inclusive language? A lot of people find it ridiculous.
do not know, the first time you said "medica", someone probably got scared. But the fifteenth time and not scare anyone! The first time he said "lawyer" too, and the nineteenth time and not scared anyone. I am Minister of State. The first time you said "counselor", I guess someone got scared.
But like everything, the language used to talk about what is, what happens is that language changes more slowly than it is. Women are more than language. Therefore, the language will have to follow our achievements and not worry about it. It all sounds very ridiculous, but my most ridiculous that the word "designer" very little sound to me! And the Academia accept it in the 50's! So here it! It seemed to them little but a gentleman who rags to be called "dressmaker." So if they thought it "designer" ... then follow the reasoning that goes alone.
What do you think of the place of women in monotheistic religions? Are there tools from within the religion for feminism? No religion is ahead of its society. Never. Religions say that God only wants what the companies are already doing on its own. Simply will not do enough for our freedom.
think of current trends, such as Islamic feminism ...
Yes, but in the 19 th century there was in Christianity. Then, take the texts and say that are not as tough as they seem, that can be interpreted differently. Is trying from within, change something. But that attempt because from the outside and there is vindication!
What is your position regarding the comprehensive headscarf debate in Spain?
My position is that we can not invent much. France has decided to ban it, and I think that France has done well. For England itself admits that his model does not work. And Germany has confessed that his either. The problem is that this only happens to women! That is, your religion Muslim men do not send anything in particular. When a rule only weighs about one sex, one must look to see why and how it is, lest hide something, and that something is serious.
And if it is women who voluntarily want to use the full veil is there to stop you?
Yeah, but ... whether voluntarily, when slavery was abolished, many slaves wept, because they wanted to remain slaves. A person who voluntarily submit to a harmful practice, what does it mean? That does not mean that the practice is legitimate, means that some people do not want to contradict your group, for example. Because you are not strong enough, nothing more. I can tell you that I have many Muslim friends who welcomed very well a state ban, because they saved a debate.
What are the challenges of feminism today?
The feminist agenda is open now for parity. But that agenda is a huge agenda, which means nothing unless the women have to have the look of everything. As you will see, this agenda is not for tomorrow, because it means being in power parity in politics, business, the economic world, the world of learning, the media, the world of creativity and art, and religion .
In all these worlds that I have mentioned, women have a presence negligible. And they remain worlds of enormous power. And in many parts of the world, this planet where we live, women have no rights, very, very basic. For example, have sexual and reproductive rights. "As a young really going to maintain their freedom in their hands if they do not even have the right to take the pill the day after being so really can not say no to if you want a love life?
has been locked women into traps of shame. What I can not stand is the hypocrisy in this matter ... and there are many.
Amelia Valcarcel is philosophy, professor of moral philosophy and politics at the UNED (Spain), state councilor and vice president of the Royal Board of the Prado Museum in Madrid. His most recent books are Feminism in the global world (Catedra, 2008, 2009) and Memory and forgiveness (Herder, 2010)


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